what do you think about this idea?


Nov 30, 2007
Dayton, Ohio
A friend of mine got this idea from his instructor in nashville... the idea is a motorized mic stand with a small camera near where the mic goes. If you had this, you could be in the control room with a little controller moving the mic around, instead of moving the mic, going back to the control room, move mic again, control room, blah blah blahhh. I thought it was a pretty interesting idea and figured I'd pitch it to you guys.
there was a topic aaaages ago about motorized mic stands
id totally buy one if someone made one.
I think that one was about a mic stand with a recall feature, if I'm not mistaken. I think that could be a sick feature to have in there too, perhaps. the problem I'm coming up with is making it accurate, while still being able to turn a profit and making it cheap enough that normal people can buy it.