What do you think is wrong with the Finnish Death Metal scene?

Sorry I accidentily posted the wrong question, the question was meant to be "What's wrong with the Finnish Metal scene? I though some of you would have been intelligent enough to work that out.
Some of us might be intelligent enough to work that out? dude there's nothing wrong with that list unless you put a Norwegian band in the list or another nationality in there. I can't tell becaue I don't know all of them, however I do know that CoB are not death metal, and that is 1 thing thats wrong w/ the list
Profånity said:
Take a look at all the main Finnish bands and what do you notice?


"Funeris" and "Nocturmun" aren't bands. There's a band called Funeris Nocturnum, on the other hand. I've got their rather mediocre "The Aspects Of The Highly Illuminated" (or something like that). You should also add ..And Oceans and Impaled Nazarene to your list. The Finnish scene is actually rather good.
I haven't come across any Thrash bands and Thrash is a key part of Metal. I don't see how anyone can take the Finnish Metal scene seriously when it doesn't have a Thrash scene.
Profånity said:
I haven't come across any Thrash bands and Thrash is a key part of Metal. I don't see how anyone can take the Finnish Metal scene seriously when it doesn't have a Thrash scene.

So if you don't know any thrash bands from Finland, there's no thrash-scene? The whole finnish metal scene was started with thrash on late 80's, although it is true that it's not that popular genre anymore. Try for example Stone or Maple Cross. Of newer bands there's e.g. Divine Decay and Mokoma (although only their newest album is thrash, but it kicks ass more than most thrash bands).
Profanity: if you really knew something about the Finnish metal scene, you'd know that there used to be a band called STONE, who played heavy/thrash metal. Their lead guitarist was ROOPE LATVALA. Exactly, the guy who is in Sinergy now, and also replaces Alex Kuoppala on Children Of Bodom's current tour...
But unfortunately, STONE have never been very well-known outside Finland. Not that they sucked, but something about their label did. By the way, Roope is a damn great guitarist and was one of ALEXI LAIHO 's idols.....
Am I the only one getting tired of people who have to make all these goddamn lists? I know this has been said to the point of cliche, but when people ask me what I listen to, I say "I listen toMetal," not "I listen to Finnish Melodic blackened power death metal with harsh vocals and hardcore breakdowns."

Seriously, give it a fuckin rest.