What does everyone want for christmas?

New tires
Duvet cover
some Amon Amarth merch at the show Thursday
some random books I've been wanting

My boyfriend has been instructed to give me jewelry. He gets some Opeth vinyls and hockey tickets from me.
I want a shirt with a picture of james woods' face on it

some new fancy chef knives, or at least a Santoku

a ct_thrash RealDoll, since I no longer have a real one.
I don't really want anything.
Weeeeell...mayhaps not.
It would be neato to have some copic markers.
..or maybe an Old Man's Child cd?:loco:
Dead_Lioness said:
the new book by Terry Pratchette
have you read Good Omens, the book he does with Neil Gaiman? It's fucking genuis.

i got a laptop and i'm going to be getting a new cell phone since my mom's got all these crazy deals with cell phones and seems to get off on letting us live beyond our means this year (we bought a Yukon truck thing, a bunch of new cell phones, new computers and a wireless internet hookup, an XBox for my brother ... its crazy) so im pretty much only getting x-mas stuff from friends

i really want the rest of the comics in the Preacher series since i only have the first one and got it monthe ago.
random cds and horror movies
this Hellraiser shirt i saw at Hot Topic (umm ... not that i've been in Hot Topic in the past month or anything...)
clothes. for some odd reason, i have this really strong urge to buy a lot of miniskirts.