What does everyone want for christmas?

Tempest said:
I want Lord Red Dragon's Shift Keys and Caps Lock Key, so "it" can never use those keys again.

I have wanted that for weeks! We have to share it, deal? LOL We can take it outside and beat it like the fax machine in Office Space. I have a bat. Lets get ready!
yourblankhere said:
"You'll shoot your eye out!" :p
hehee :dopey:
I wish we had television...
I know it rots your brain..but they play that movie for 24 hours on TNT!
Oh fuuuuuudge
Ok ok...I know what I want for christmas now!
I want to be WELL. It never fails, I always get sick during the holidays! :cry:
Hopefully I'm not sick for 5 months again...else I'll want to be shot.