What does everyone want for christmas?

Peace on Earth has been proven time and time again to be impossible.

Remember what happened to the League of Nations?

"we're gonna ban war... *hurr, hurr*"


man that example of human stupidity known as the league of nations (and well, the united nations as well) would have been awesome to laugh at if it wasn't so... what's the word? ah yes...



I want Incest: The Interactive Boardgame... something the whole family can play!

I'd also settle for just the HIV, the gift you can share with others!
Bacchante said:
nah..It's a quote from "A christmas story" :)
i do believe you hit that quote on the head. well done!

descendencyfw said:
...at least I didn't ask for anything material!

well, a hot date can be considered material, because wishing for a "hot" date opposed to an "ugly" one can be wanting a hot date to impress others around you

...and "HOT" is definitely in the eye of the beholder. To me, there is no "HOT" without an awesome personality and brains. (and that's not a cop out). The material "HOTTEST" girl (or guy, depends on your perspective) can only be good looking for a short period of time, if there is nothing else there. On the other hand, an average material "HOT" girl (or guy...) will look stunning forever if there is the substance to back it up. Good conversation, a million laughs, and respect for yourself and others makes a person absolutely "HOT". I can't stand "HOT" dates that you can only sit there and "look" at the other person, and cannot engage in conversation or laugh endlessly. This my friend, is HOT. ...but after all this being said, WB, I understand the "HOT is material" backlash.
...but there is nothing "HOTTER" than a captivating and intelligent woman high on life!
I want Layne Staley to come back from the dead to kick Godsmack's ass for ripping them off so bad.
...and on the MATERIAL side of Christmas, I want the ass-whipping caught on tape so someone can buy me the DVD for Christmas. I want all the extras: Layne interview explaining how he managed to come back from 6 ft under, the AiC boyz comments on Layne's comeback, Skulley (or whatever the poser's name is) interview from his hospital bed explaining how he got his ass-whipped from a corpse and why he thought he was sssooo damn cool even though they were a rip, and interviews with different members of metal bands and their thoughts on the beat down. ...oh yeah, and an interview with Scott Stapp on why he was the flyest dude in metal, not Skulley.
...and some extra camera angles would rule!