what does the DHIADW picture mean?

to me it looks like a tree and body parts and a mask, so i guess it just represents limbs........ hhahahahahahahaha i have no clue.. but i was wearing my shirt with that on it, the forst day of school this year and my principal says, "what is that on your shirt" i said "its nevermore the greatest band in the world and so on.." then she said it was satanic, she told me to turn it wrongside out. buit im wearin it right now. ROFL
To me it looks like a dead root, (that's been there for a while) but totally dead, it's empty and hollow.
A new root- reaches out with a hand- , very fragile and new, with just a few leaves, reaches out for the last thing that remains there: the heart.
Symbolic, it's like new life reaching out for energy that remains in the old hollow casket, to feed itself with wisdom, life and energy.
So that what looks dead, actually holds the key.

" Emotions turned to cold dead wood, can still have life once more"
Wow, leave it to Iris to come up with the most accurate explanation. I think this is one of the best things Travis Smith has ever done.
iris@work said:
To me it looks like a dead root, (that's been there for a while) but totally dead, it's empty and hollow.
A new root- reaches out with a hand- , very fragile and new, with just a few leaves, reaches out for the last thing that remains there: the heart.
Symbolic, it's like new life reaching out for energy that remains in the old hollow casket, to feed itself with wisdom, life and energy.
So that what looks dead, actually holds the key.

" Emotions turned to cold dead wood, can still have life once more"

It has alot to do with Warrel's views on the world. For more check: http://basementbar.com/DefaultN1.asp?GoTo=EditorialN1.asp

if that doesnt take you right there scroll down to the list of editorials and look for "the philosophy of warrel dane" it should help you understand the above explanation a bit more.
Thnx, i know about the link and i'd rather stick to my own point of view.
That wasn't what i was meaning when i posted that link. It was purely so the person who originally asked the quesion could maybe decide for themselves what it meant.
I'm pretty sure that the cover has something to do with "The sacred heart of Jesus"....but with no heart, no Jesus and upside down...

Search in google for Sacred Heart of Jesus in the images section and you will see what I mean.
What I'm reminded of is Odin spearing himself to Yggdrasil to attain wisdom. Doesn't the hanging man tarot card mean something like acquiring illumination, understanding, inner peace, or a conclusion at the price of some sort of self sacrifice?
George Orwell said:
I'm pretty sure that the cover has something to do with "The sacred heart of Jesus"....but with no heart, no Jesus and upside down...

Search in google for Sacred Heart of Jesus in the images section and you will see what I mean.

that's an interested comparision. I think the artwork probably has some relation to the current state of the world, since of the songs seem to relate to that.

I read that article, and it was a very interested take. Some things I believe, but others not. What does Warrell have to say about the article? lol
Yes! It makes me want to watch Briana Banks and Jenna go at it for sure!