What don't you like about Opeth?


Nov 19, 2001
Okay, everyone always asks what you like about them. So what do you NOT like. And don't give me "Nothing! I love everything about them!" There's got to be something.

For me, it frustrates me how short the melodic parts are. As soon as I get into the melodic parts of the songs, there they go screaming again. That's why I like Harvest so much.

So come on people, think!
Nothing really, or VERY close to it.

The only beef I ever had with Opeth was with Black Rose Immortal. People were going on about how 'epic' their songs were on the average, which they are, but the deliberate and extended brakes between parts of that song ruined the fluencey of the piece as a whole to me. Which is why I thought Morningrise should have like, 9-10 tracks, instead of 5.

Um besides that, if you really want me to try: What don't I like about Opeths music...... There's not enough of it!!!:mad:
Their songs are too long for the car. Sometimes, on a short jaunt to the store, I can't always get one full song in.

Musically - nothing. I've never turned off an Opeth song because I didn't want to hear it - only because I've run out of time. I guess I'm either not that critical, or the perfect critic. :D

Sorry - it's the honest truth.
I don't like the way they've progressed. I love that whole 'twin-guitar' thing of the first 2 albums, y'know, each guitar is playing something completely different, but the two interweave to create this single melody. And they are getting less progressive, in the sense that there are recurring riffs now (in BWP, anyway). And the songs are more chord based, in that they seem to be struming all these big chords, so there is less overt melody from the guitars. This ties into my first comment.

But in saying that, I still love them :)
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Their songs are too long for the car. Sometimes, on a short jaunt to the store, I can't always get one full song in.

haha, that's about the only problem with Opeth I have as well. But at the same time, I love long songs, so it really isn't a problem, now is it?.... hmmm
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Things I don't like about Opeth? hmm... maybe the 16 bar structure, they could lose that on the next album, the way they always play a riff a certain number of times. They should constantly change. But this is a new idea these days, with only as few bands pulling it off, like Emperor and Prog rock bands.

... the first two albums were made of songs that were developed over years and years, the rest weren't... what I don't like about Opeth is that they're immediately looking at the next album, writing for the album when they already have plans for recording and release... when it should be the other way around. Take a few years, get things right, then go in to record.

My fear is that the last few albums are full of the Eternal Soul Tortures and Into the Frost of Winters, and not the Advents, ya know? The first two albums, Morningrise in particular, are still unparalleled sonic adventures...
the repition of some riffs, i.e in the song blackwater park, after the first vocal part, it goes into this repeating mellow part, i then have to wait like 2 mins to get to the next good part

oh, and their obsessive fans!
I don't like the way they've progressed. I love that whole 'twin-guitar' thing of the first 2 albums, y'know, each guitar is playing something completely different, but the two interweave to create this single melody.

I think that the twin guitar lines on the first two releases are great.....but I think that the whole texture of the songs has increased with the use of more chords....
.......oh yea and the word for two interweaving melodies in music is polyphony....:)
I'm actually worried about where they're going. I hope the new album doesn't stray too far, but does show to where they've progressed.

I miss the twin guitars, and the rolling nature of their older pieces. *sniff* nostalgia!!:cry:
Hey, that's a good question ;)
Didn't think of it before...but I guess there's nothing I don't like about them, musically. But overall I don't like their recent development towards a more verse/chorus oriented songwriting; in the past the lyrics were (almost?) never repeated, but on Still Life this did change. Not that I don't like Still Life - I guess it's my favourite Opeth album, but I think they shouldn't go any further into that direction; I don't like BWP that much, it's the only Opeth album that I do not own (no CD and no MP3s), but I hope it's just a weak spot. (weak spot in my opinion, I know that most people love that album. the Opeth guys themselves even think that it's their best opus ;) )
I don't like the fact that every album is weaker than the previous.
i like everything about them .....only thing i am worried about is that they may become known to the mainstream and start making worse and worse stuff and shorter, radio friendly songs..... kinda like CoF (i still like CoF btw.....but that's just me)