What don't you like about Opeth?

It sounds like we're complaining about some nu-metal band.

Like all bands - Opeth progresses, experiments, changes. When I say I have no complaints - it's true. This is one of the few bands that I'm able to progress along with, and accept their music. I find there musical ability far beyond other bands. Opeth isn't there for me - they're doing what they love, producing what they like. I guess I am a true fan without really trying. I'm not obsessed - there is just something about them that makes it easy for me to change with each album - because the music is not supposed to be the same across all album releases - they're supposed to mature as musicians. Personally, I see that maturity through the 5 albums.

I wonder how any member of Opeth would answer this question? I'd love to hear them critical of themselves.
Personally, i think the future for Opeth is very bright indeed.

The first albums had such different strengths compared to the later albums. Each album was the 'best' in a few different areas, theyve develpoed so many different writing techniques and such....

and my hope is that it all comes together in the end. Like has been commented before i think writing songs in a couple of days in the studio isnt admirable, while they produce great songs, it means they could produce PERFECT songs if they took more time. One day in their future i think there will be a time when they realise this and take a long time (as much as needed) to write an album and only record it once it is perfect, and it will have all their strengths from the previous albums combined... and i think this album could be the next one, sounds like material is being written already and such.

So what dont i like about Opeth? They dont put enough time into writing songs/albums these days.. and tehy dont work hard enough at using ALL their skills to produce the best music they possibly can.
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
we have already had this thread before

Everytime I make a thread, someone says "we've already had this thread". I'm just going to stop making threads. What do you want me to do, check the archives to make sure it's not been done? Give me a break, people. Sometimes people need breaks. IS THAT TO MUCH TO FUCKING ASK????????????

(I hope everyone gets that this isn't about SentencedToBurn or repetition of threads. Well, it's partially about people ALWAYS telling me that a thread I make has been done before.)
Originally posted by Jayde

Everytime I make a thread, someone says "we've already had this thread". I'm just going to stop making threads. What do you want me to do, check the archives to make sure it's not been done? Give me a break, people. Sometimes people need breaks. IS THAT TO MUCH TO FUCKING ASK????????????

(I hope everyone gets that this isn't about SentencedToBurn or repetition of threads. Well, it's partially about people ALWAYS telling me that a thread I make has been done before.)

Agreed. People should shut the fuck up.
like many others, i am concerned with their direction. i don't hate BWP or SL, they are both great albums and SOUND like they took monthes to write, but c'mon, we all know that orchid and morningrise just have something that the new stuff doesn't. i like their new acoustic stuff better though, orchid and morningrise's acoustic stuff actually, in my opinion, isn't as good as the new stuff. but those twin guitar melodies were great, i miss them. i think opeth need to add the twin guitar lines in with their full chordal metal onslaught, while also adding a new element to their sound. i don't want them to lose th sound they have now, i jsut want them to experiment and not get stuck and comfortable in any certain sound.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan

I like cheese.

You however, I don not like.

If you think we are obsessed, or if being obsessed is a bad thing, and if you don't even like the band, then what the hell are you doing here.




try to come up with something that doesn't make you sound like a silly ass redneck and then we'll talk.
I don't like the 2nd half of Still Life (esp. White Cluster is one of the worst Opeth songs for me). BWP didn't impress me as much as the previous releases. I also don't like the artwork of MAYH and the fact that they will probably never make an album like ORCHID again...Imagine a mix between BWP, MAYH and Orchid. It could be the best Opeth release ever!
Originally posted by YaYoGakk

So what dont i like about Opeth? They dont put enough time into writing songs/albums these days.. and tehy dont work hard enough at using ALL their skills to produce the best music they possibly can.

Hey YaYoGakk,

I was driving home from hockey, and I was listening to BWP - I played Bleak, then The Funeral Portrait. In the middle of The Funeral Portrait - this thread came to mind (actually, this particular post came to mind first) and I started to chuckle. I just thought to myself how we're never happy. Here we are - on this board - some of you I've "known" for 9 months - we're here because we love Opeth's music. But we're never content - in one hand, we love them. To some of us, our favorite band. To some of us, some of the best music/talent we've ever heard. But in the other hand, we want more. They're missing a piece here and there - we find a few flaws, a few gaps.

Oh well - nothing is perfect :D

Then, I went back to listening to Opeth, and was happy.
Wow, there really IS a certain kind of different musical taste among the Opeth Fans :)
For example, I like BP a lot and White Cluster is, in my opinion, a great song!
And I'm not some dumb fanboy who listened to it for 5 Minutes ^^
Had that Morngingrise Disc in my player fr about 2 months, as well as the other ones (but I don't recall how long it was actually ehe)
sorry for bringing up that old thread again, but I got bored ;)