What Drumkit from Hell should I get?


Held in Hollows
Mar 19, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I use Pro Tools LE with my MBox2.

The music I plan on recording would be Atmospheric/Melodic/Metal etc. So I really only need a kit that would suit this style. But obviously they dont come like that.

DFH2 comes with the Meshuggah Kit doesnt it? And it's not the expensive one?

Hopefully I wasnt too n00bish. I'm learning patiently.

Your advice would kindly be appreciated. :)
I use Pro Tools LE with my MBox2.

The music I plan on recording would be Atmospheric/Melodic/Metal etc. So I really only need a kit that would suit this style. But obviously they dont come like that.

DFH2 comes with the Meshuggah Kit doesnt it? And it's not the expensive one?

Hopefully I wasnt too n00bish. I'm learning patiently.

Your advice would kindly be appreciated. :)

DFH2 is a sonar kit (1 bass drum 5 toms). 3 snares,2 sets of hats, and a good amount of cymbols. If you can swing it I would say go DFHS.
dfhs2 is horrible in my opinion, considering the only way you can use it is through the kontakt sampler thingymabober, which is the most horribly coded and barely functional peice of software i've ever seen run inside my daw

get dfhs
Can't go wrong with DFHS, I have both the normal DFHS and Custom & Vintage as there was a decent package deal going at the time.

If you can't afford DFHS, I'd suggest going for EZDrummer rather than DFH2.
You might get it cheaper if you order it from the US depending on the exchange rate. No idea what it is at the moment. My folks live just outside Melbourne so I keep an eye on gear prices there but it's not much worse than Europe.

I order a lot of stuff from the states as it's a bit cheaper than here, but when you add in import taxes (Irish post only catch about half of mine so it's worth the risk) , it's all in the same ballpark.
There is no doubt that you should get Drumkit From Hell Superior. I originally bought Drumkit From Hell 2 and it worked fine, but the kontakt sampler is a steaming pile a McFeces. Very annoying and extremely limited in comparison to Superior. I bought Superior a few months later and have not used DKH2 since.
the plugin from drumkit from hell 2 sucks extrem!!!
It fucks your CPU!!!

Take drumkit from hell superior and your are very happy with it.
Or ezdrummer for the fast sessions...

I used dfh2 in cubase sx3 and it was a nightmare
the plugin from drumkit from hell 2 sucks extrem!!!
It fucks your CPU!!!

Take drumkit from hell superior and your are very happy with it.
Or ezdrummer for the fast sessions...

I used dfh2 in cubase sx3 and it was a nightmare

Your computer sucks then. It's not the CPU that it eats for me it's the RAM.

The only mics I can't run are the room mics, in witch case who the fuck cares.

They get mixed down to track in the end and then the plug gets dumped, I fail to see why that program is such a bitch to use.

So if you have a problem using it then your RAM is probably crap, and if your cpu can't handle it then it must be ancient cause I have a 1.5ghz solo G4 and the plug never peaks over 5% on the plug meter and never more than 10 more on the vst performance meter (in cubase).

The plug set ain't bad it's just limited (1 set is kind of lame).

Just record the real thing it's better.