What effect thingys do you use for Cob?


New Metal Member
Apr 7, 2004
hi i am new at playing guitar and at this forum and i am wondering how you get your guitar to sound like the guitars in Children Of Bodom. What kind of effects and stuff? i don't know if this has been posted before or not, if it has i couldn't find it. Also, what is a good song for a really really beginner at guitar to play? and not the solos and stuff but just a few easy verses and choruses?
Sometimes I use a wah and a very slight delay or delay/chorus. What you need is a really high output setup... maybe an active pickup or a gain booster. As for songs... Bed of Razors, Hate Me!, Everytime I Die... Try those.
pickup: emg81 (used to be: jackson j50bc)
electronics: emg pa2 (used to be: jackson JE-1000)
preamp: lee jackson gp 1000 or line6 POD pro
Cabinets: 2 Marshall JCM-900 4 x 12"

rocktron intellifex
furman power conditioner
dbx231 eq
engl 930/60 poweramp
Ask Bobvex that man has an answer for every guitar question!! He is uppdated on all fronts hands down! :notworthy Though he plays punk!!! :lol: I myself think that Sonata Artica, or Evergrey has more push in their guitars (sound wise).

Oooohhhh yyoooouuuu touch myy laaa laaa laaa.... myy ding ding doooongg.

*Tries to get out of straightjacket*
check other threads dood. im tired of answering this question.

@ alexi follower - he doesnt use the EMG 81, of the dbx 231. . .thats my shit. . :lol:
I ain't very good at guitar especially in guitar knowledge...
is there a possible way...like a website or a forum or a book where i can learn/know about these stuff from racks...preamps....etcetc...?? for example rocktron intellefix and lee jackson preamps...i would really want know what they are...but it's sounds stupid if i ask the people everytime they mention an equipment. i've tried looking at JCF..but i dont even know even the most basic stuff...please help me out..! ^_^