What have you done with your summer?


boo hoo
Oct 13, 2001
this thread probably won't mean as much to people who didn't have school, but whatever. so, how have all of you made use of (or wasted) the summer?

my average summer day: get up around nine-ish, eat something, and then sit in my room with the curtains closed practicing my guitar for hours, listen to music while eating some more, play guitar in the dark again, avoid my friends because i hate people, go for a walk around 5, dinner time!, guitar (its really dark in my room now), then i read, and then i go to bed after listening to two or three cds.

i try to squeeze some computer time in there somewhere, but i have my acoustic with me the whole time (its here right now!). i'm trying not to watch any tv, as tv sucks royal dick, and have succeeded.

my whole summer's been like this. and to tell you the truth all i want in there is a job and some writing.
As soon as school got out I left to go see my father for a month.. so I'm doing that now.. which means I listen ot a lot of music and sit on the internet..

I'm very much pining to be back home and with my ex-girlfriend as we have decided to work things out and see each other again..

BTW if you practice guitar that much you must be insane.. heh I try to practice a lot.. I should do it much more.. Ooh well.. I just need to clean up my picking.. which is why I bust out the whole metronome.. I just need to go buy a jazz fake book so I can practice my sight reading..

I mainly download music, write, blaspheme songs by imitating the vocals and recording them and sometimes post them here for kicks, read, write some more... write...eat... write...

Did I mention writing?
Tomorrow I'm getting a good book so I'll be reading a lot too. Then taking notes on the authors style to help with my own writing style.

*continues looking through Ebay for a life to bid on*
BTW if you practice guitar that much you must be insane.. heh I try to practice a lot.. I should do it much more.. Ooh well.. I just need to clean up my picking.. which is why I bust out the whole metronome.. I just need to go buy a jazz fake book so I can practice my sight reading..
oh, i'm insane, and you wouldn't be able to imagine how much i've improved in two weeks.

Did I mention writing?
yeah, i'm pretty sure you did:D i used to write non stop (it was better than paying attention in school) until i got that damn guitar. i really should start again, i left this awesome story i was working on half finished. *shakes fist at the acoustic in his lap* that cake was for your deaf sister! you'll work off the money in the acid mines!
Nothing, really. I went to a friend's house about a week ago and we saw a movie.

I've mainly been on my computer thinking of ways to fill up my new harddrive.

I was so bored today that I played trivia in a mIRC channel almost all day. I answered over 300 questions correctly. I rule.

I have no vacation, but I've been playing guitar and were on summerfestivals (Dream Theater, Slayer, Rammstein etc.)
Well lots of Diablo II. Not too many people to talk to. Had my birthday. Going to the beach on Monday. Getting to know my best friend all over again. Listening to music. Trying to get a Job. Beating Silent Hill 2.
My work is over, today was the last day and I'm happy about it :) I already got my money and now I'll be spending it :heh: I think I'll just take it easy, relax, until I have to start studying for my final exams :(