What have you done with your summer?

Summer used to be bum around, but now summer is:

work. festivals(graspop.wacken and anyhting else that looks good), disgracefull behaviour :grin: ;) , parks, beer + general drunkenness, guitar, barbeques, drinking, bumming about at the weekends, lttle sleep and shorts. Oh, and did I mention drinking?

Might even take a holiday this year :)
i´ve been doing nothing really, school finished about 5 weeks ago and i havn´t found any job for the summer, so i´m just spending my time :)
Recently all I’ve been doing is working, listening to music and playing Medal of Honor: Frontline. It’s simply an amazing game; I’ve never played one before where you get to kill Germans. :rolleyes:
Frontline is on PS2, an amazing FPS, and my favorite PS2 game as of yet. It has only one major flaw, no multiplayer.