What highschool stereotype are you..?(Not SX related)


What a damn coincidence :lol: Thank gosh my friends won't see this.

Those questions arent good though

I agree.
outsider... hah... that was a stupid ass quiz. Oh well, i guess i will just go kill myself...

*note* that was a joke... the outsider... depressed... etc.... nevermind.
Just wondering Ultimate, are you a girl *prepares for a slapm on the face and a kick in the balls*
The Yngster said:
:lol: Ultimate your a slut, thats great! I'm an outsider of course... but I think that according to this quiz everyone who doesn't go to school dances is an outsider.

lmao! :lol: You know, I think there should be another title for males, pervert maybe? haha :p

Just wondering Ultimate, are you a girl *prepares for a slapm on the face and a kick in the balls*

*kicks you in the balls* I'm a guy, damnit :yell: :p

Nope, he's not a girl, which is what makes it funny that he got "slut". And theres a good chance you'll receive a swift kick to the balls for that question.

:lol: You got that right \m/

Note: there are 4 outsiders, 1 geek, 1 goth and 1 slut (and the slut is a guy :rolleyes: )
I knew thought you were a guy, Ultimate. Why did you think I said Prepares for a slap on the face and a kick in the balls.