What I like

I like the sheer inspiration which has come from being at Broken Hill this week.
Who'd have thought such a relatively dumpy backwater town could be so uplifting...
"I want a moratorium put on the number of Muslims coming into Australia," - Pauline Hanson - :kickass:
Uplifting how Ferret?

Just felt good to get away from everything and get some much needed perspective on life in the process.

At times uplifting in the sense of vertical motion... unfortunately the shit-house camera on my phone doesn't handle detail well but you can KIND OF make out what's happened in the shit below.


Simplified version:
Unsealed dirt road.
Beefy 4WD.
Cattle grids which are barely larger than a single car width, like so:

160Km/h approach.
Singing along to Dream Theater and missing the "GRID" warning sign.
Emergency breaking.
Locked brakes trying to hold back nearly two and a half tonnes of machinery on the loose surface.
Multiple spins.
Up on two wheels.
Stopping about 20 metres from the fence with a loud "thud" as it drops back onto all fours.
Probably pretty stupid but it was one of the more exciting moments of the trip for me.

Read Ferrets myspace blogs Pete, it's a good read and you don't need a myspace to view them I think
Problem is he doesn't like AIDSpace.
It's not exactly an exciting read anyway but: Ferret's Outback Adventure
[edit] Sorry, wrong link: Fixed link
You still owe me a fishing/camping trip, remember? :p
I haven't been fishing for so bloody long and my last two camping trips are kinda tainted now. Maybe not sharks but I at least want to catch SOMETHING I can eat.
I HATE the sound of rain.... on a Monday morning. We were both late to work this morning because of it haha

What I do like is FINALLY clearing out the pc room and doing up a little office in the house for Jess to study in properly. What's best is that it means we can clear out our 3rd bedroom and it becomes my permanent music room/server room haha