What if a band members tone annoys you?

tell him why you dont like his tone, and that his tone should accomadate the music, not making it sound like shit.
tell him why you dont like his tone, and that his tone should accomadate the music, not making it sound like shit.


when giving your ideas, its best to express that its about a compromise to the band and not to one persons taste. It needs to fit the band and that you ultimately feel that it is not meshing with the band. If your concern is real, the other members will feel the same.
Change his settings while he's taking a piss! ;)

Haha. I did this with the other guitarist in my band. Except he was out getting some food. The drummer and I tried to get a nice tone out of his amp while he was gone but we couldn't, so we just turned all the knobs to random places when we heard him open the door. He turns his amp on and starts playing and comments about how great his amp sounds that day :erk:. Randomly shuffled knobs sounded better than his set tone.
Something like 'Why dont you add/remove _________________ (whatever you think it needs to be changed)? I think it will fit the band mix better and improve our sound'. It already worked for me.
Are you the producer of the band or a member? In the first case, I remember this happened to me before starting producing and we were recording our first official CD with one of the best producers in Spain. I tried to get my tone but he was very straight to the point and didn't give me the chance to track it so I had to use his tone, which I thought it was so "soft". Now when I go back and think about it I'm glad he did it that way. Guitars are huge and we used our amps anyway so live sounds quite the same. Shame drums and bass were not so good...

Producer just has to act as he's supposed to do. I mean something like: why did you choose me to record your work? I'd like to think because you like it. So, that's the way a record must be tracked. No discussion at that point.

If you're a member of the band that's recording, just record 1minute with both tones and post them here in Rate my mix/tone section. I'm sure he will trust us.
you insult them but not in a clear way (little words like fatty and piggy) - and make there life a misery - keep telling them they are out of tune and too loud
I had to set up all amplifiers in my last band (and I was the singer).
At first our lead guitar player played my rig so I dialed in all sounds.
Our second guitarist played a very similar sound so no problem there.
Than our lead guitarist changed amps, had to change gain, bass, mids, treble...
he had a really distorted scooped sound because he liked it at home-like 90% of guitar players out there.
Our bass player just wanted me to say what sounds best for him so everything was fine.
Warwick Corvette $$ into SWR 2x10 combo, worked great and our drummer went with me to
a music store to find a new snare.

Worked great in that band, but in another band I played it really sucked.

Guitar player loved his sound (Boss HM into Marshall MG) with his crappy 150$ B.C.Rich copy.
It was like the worst guitar sound I heard in my life-and he loved it...
Never rehearsed with them again, but they played a show with us.
He was able to use my rig (Digitech 2101 into Engl poweramp), a Laney GH100 (with Tube screamer in front),
a modded Marshall or an Engl Powerball, but he just used his pedal
in front of his Marshall MG-yeah, great sound :puke:
A friend of mine went to a local gig a few weeks back, and a guitar player in one of the bands had a 6505 halfstack but was getting all his sounds (including distortion) from some kind of digitech floor unit. It makes me want to cry thinking about someone being that dumb...