What if a band members tone annoys you?

Had this happen loads. The ex-guitarist of a band I used to play in was really bad. I never really looked at his settings, but everything he played sounded like "KKHHHKHHHKHHHKHHH" so I imagine he probably had his gain on full and mids scooped to zero. Hell, even the other members of the band thought he sounded awful, and they don't know much about guitar tones :lol:. As the bassist said, "It's always hard to stop myself from laughing when he goes "HEY, DO U KNOW THIS SONG *KHHKHHKHKHKKKHHH* YEEAAAHH PLAY WITH ME" and none of us have any idea what he's playing!".

On top of that, when others played, he'd constantly turn up his volume because he couldn't hear himself. Then it'd just be a really, really loud KHHKHHKKHKH that sounded annoying as hell, and you still couldn't hear what he was playing.
In my band it's me dialing the tones for the other members, but that's because they trust me 100% about it. Each one has it's own degree of freedom, but if something sounds like ass, it gets instantly fixed by either me or any other member.
Had this happen loads. The ex-guitarist of a band I used to play in was really bad. I never really looked at his settings, but everything he played sounded like "KKHHHKHHHKHHHKHHH" so I imagine he probably had his gain on full and mids scooped to zero. Hell, even the other members of the band thought he sounded awful, and they don't know much about guitar tones :lol:. As the bassist said, "It's always hard to stop myself from laughing when he goes "HEY, DO U KNOW THIS SONG *KHHKHHKHKHKKKHHH* YEEAAAHH PLAY WITH ME" and none of us have any idea what he's playing!".

On top of that, when others played, he'd constantly turn up his volume because he couldn't hear himself. Then it'd just be a really, really loud KHHKHHKKHKH that sounded annoying as hell, and you still couldn't hear what he was playing.

I've had sex with that guys mother.
Actually, I kinda thought of a better response than my last.

I had a bass player in my old band that refused to alter his bass tone. There was so much midrange that he drowned the entire band out at practices. It got to the point where the other guitar player and I cranked our rigs so loud that after practice, I literally couldn't hear for shit, for like 3 to 4 hours afterward. Obviously not healthy. We used to tell him, and his response was "dude, I can't hear what I'm playing". I tried to get it through that if he EQ'd properly (by not killing us with 1k-3k) that we would ALL be able to hear better - as it stood it was like having 3 guitars and no bass.

Finally - we let him go. Get with the fucking program, or get out. Plain and simple. It sucked pretty bad, because we all liked him. But, he couldn't accept his place in the mix, so, out he went.

Here's one thing to remember - if you have someone in your band, he has to abide by the common goals of the band - the common goal of the band is to sound good, and honestly, you're only as good as the weakest link - I don't give a shit if the guy plays better than god, if his rig sounds like shit, you ALL sound like shit.

Tell him to shape up, or ship out man. Trust me - it's for the best.
If you've got issues with someone having a crap tone and/or a tone drowning everyone, it's always a good idea to record your band practice. And I mean nothing fancy, just a pair of condensers or something similar. If he doesn't notice it while playing, he'll be more likely to notice it when he hears it played back.
A friend of mine went to a local gig a few weeks back, and a guitar player in one of the bands had a 6505 halfstack but was getting all his sounds (including distortion) from some kind of digitech floor unit. It makes me want to cry thinking about someone being that dumb...

I'll raise you
I saw a $150 ZOOM pedal, about ten years old, running through a Dual Rectifier.
¯\(º_o)/¯ how do tone?
Actually, I kinda thought of a better response than my last.

I had a bass player in my old band that refused to alter his bass tone. There was so much midrange that he drowned the entire band out at practices. It got to the point where the other guitar player and I cranked our rigs so loud that after practice, I literally couldn't hear for shit, for like 3 to 4 hours afterward. Obviously not healthy. We used to tell him, and his response was "dude, I can't hear what I'm playing". I tried to get it through that if he EQ'd properly (by not killing us with 1k-3k) that we would ALL be able to hear better - as it stood it was like having 3 guitars and no bass.

Finally - we let him go. Get with the fucking program, or get out. Plain and simple. It sucked pretty bad, because we all liked him. But, he couldn't accept his place in the mix, so, out he went.

Here's one thing to remember - if you have someone in your band, he has to abide by the common goals of the band - the common goal of the band is to sound good, and honestly, you're only as good as the weakest link - I don't give a shit if the guy plays better than god, if his rig sounds like shit, you ALL sound like shit.

Tell him to shape up, or ship out man. Trust me - it's for the best.

Dude, you've no idea how much that mirrors our situation. :lol: