Building a Mini SSL
Putting inserts on an input channel lets you print those effects directly onto the track as its recorded. This way you can parallel record using a totally clean input channel, and a 'dirty' one so you can listen to your recorded guitar tones through your amp sim of choice, without needing 16 or whatever channels running amp sims in real time.
This can be done in PT, to my knowledge, but takes a little bit of routing work, and of course not supporting VST you lose accessibility to some of the better free amp sims out there. I've been considering getting an Axe-FX to get around this though.
Ok, fair enough if thats your workflow , personally ive never had any need to record/commit inserts in a project i always keep everything non destructive until the final stages of the session, but i guess thats my workflow

And FWIW all the free Ampsims work great in the VST2RTAS wrapper its just nebula that doesnt .