What is accessibility?

Something acceccible can be great.

Amorphis 'eclipse' for example. Very catchy poppy songs and structures while retaining great mucianship guitar and drum wise with even folk elements, and great usage of keyboards.
Harsh vocals tend not to be accessible for most people. If you can enjoy them, it's different, but for most people harsh vocals are a big deterrent
Accessible right away: Slayer. Slayer just clicked with me in a flash and got me into metal in the time it took to listen to Dead Skin Mask.

Accessible after a few listens: Suffocation. I got the double package of Effigy of the Forgotten and Pierced From Within. I listened to them back to back, and frankly I felt exhausted afterwards. After continued listens however it just got better and better and now Suffocation is one of my favorite bands.

I don't like but I see what they're doing: Dark Tranquillity and Opeth. Both these bands have a style nailed down and a legion of fans. I just find their music incredibly dull. Dark Tranquillity songs feel like they are trying to pick me up with choruses and melodies, it just fails and falls flat for me. Opeth just sounded really repetitive and bored me out of my mind.
Opeths songs have more riffs and tempo changes than deeds of flesh.

Actually 3 opeth songs have more things going on than deeds of flesh entire discography.
SacredReich said:
Exactly, it's based on the person. I feel it isn't strictly definable, but there is definitely some sort of consensus that can be easily reached when recommending.

So pretty much it's like everything EVER?
buidling upon what cookiecutter said about Opeth. Opeth's inaccessibility is a major reason why they are labeled "progressive" because a lot of prog metal is very complex or else just needs a good amount of time for the listener to comprehend. For this reason many of those who try out Opeth are deterred because their expectations for rewards on preliminary listens are soon dashed by what they don't care to take the time to comprehend.

then of course there are those who just aren't born with the ears to appreciate Opeth. We all know who they are....
>>>then of course there are those who just aren't born with the ears to appreciate Opeth. We all know who they are..

I dunno, in concert, they can get pretty boring. After a while, it's just like Dream Theater. I like them, but they can get tiresome.

The Greys said:
Opeths songs have more riffs and tempo changes than deeds of flesh.

Actually 3 opeth songs have more things going on than deeds of flesh entire discography.

Deeds of Flesh are actually interesting to listen to. I have only listened to Blackwater Park, but I tried very hard to like it, and all I heard was switching between acoustic and metal parts. I'd take some good old death metal any day.

Oh and Opeth fans, drop the arrogance. Liking them does not elevate you to a higher plane of existence because they outside the box.
Opeth fans don't think we are elevated on a higher plane. We just have to deal with dipshits like you who got into newer brutal death metal last year and have no idea about anything at all besides new brutal death metal bands. You probably sit there thinking some newer brutal death metal band is the epitome of music.

The Greys said:
Opeth fans don't think we are elevated on a higher plane. We just have to deal with dipshits like you who got into newer brutal death metal last year and have no idea about anything at all besides new brutal death metal bands.

I was mainly meaning Zephyrus as you actually were debating intelligently until this post. As I said I based my opinion on repeated listens of Blackwater Park. Since I heard it, I obviously DO have an idea what I am talking about. I didn't hear much variation, and it lacked intensity. That is my reason for disliking it. Try explaining yourself better instead of insulting me adn making grand assumptions.

EDIT: The Greys ninja editing strikes again. I enjoy brutal death a lot. I enjoy other metal as well. Epitome of music? I don't know, but I like it.
I don't even care if you like blackwater park or not.

Get an attention span so you don't have shit outlook on music for the rest of your life. When did intensity dictate if music is good or not anyways. You deserve insulting
The Greys said:
I don't even care if you like blackwater park or not.

Get an attention span so you don't have shit outlook on music for the rest of your life. When did intensity dictate if music is good or not anyways. You deserve insulting
You insult me for disliking Opeth and then say you don't care. Who needs an attention span?

I like intensity in my music. That's one reason I like metal. If a song doesn't have intensity it can at least try to be interesting and not meandering.
Hey Cookie,

I would definitely explore some of their older work before making up your mind. Blackwater Park is very...um...what's the word...NOT aggressive. I think "Still Life" has the best Opeth song - The Moor. It is a monster track with more aggression than their newer stuff.

I'm not just insulting you just because you don't like opeth. That really has little to do with it but gives me a reason to insult you because I have wanted to since you made your first post.

If you like music because intensity you are a 12 years old.
SheisMySin said:
Hey Cookie,

I would definitely explore some of their older work before making up your mind. Blackwater Park is very...um...what's the word...NOT aggressive. I think "Still Life" has the best Opeth song - The Moor. It is a monster track with more aggression than their newer stuff.


Hmm, I have been told this. My first experience was bad, so I've been reluctant, but maybe I will.

The Greys I don't know what you have against me but I'm done with you and your juvenile attacks on me for which I have done nothing to provoke.
My juvenile attacks because you say stupid things like thinking music has to have intensity ?. Something does not have to be brutal death metal to have intensity.

What about your juvenile musical tastes. Juvenile insults for you kid. If you don't like something I say don't reply to me further so we do not have to interact.

Don't take Greys too seriously. I think he told me he was 19 years old, and that explained it all.

I would look into Still Life, and use that as a gauge. I think it's the best release that connects soft side with metal side. If you want heavier, go back to My Arms your Hearse.

Still...they have the same sound no matter what, so if it just doesn't grab you, don't bother with them at all. I stopped listening to them after BW Park...they just lost their luster for me.
