What is stoner metal?

i've seen dillinger escape plan twice live, and they are for sure one of the worst bands i have ever seen, they play like epileptics............defo not stoner

stacks of good bands mentioned above tho (clutch rule)
eighteeschick said:
I never heard of stoner metal until the other day and I think I may have heard of only a few bands listed (although I did see COC one time). So I was looking up stoner metal on the internet and found these categories: ambient, crust, doom and sludge. Anyone know what they are? I've never heard of them either. I just know death metal and speed metal. I had no idea there were so many different categories. Thanks!

There isn't a fee for this lesson, is there? :Spin:
doom is music like BLack Sabbaths NIB slow and scary and about bad things to come. Sludge is slow with real fuzzy low tuned riffs pretty much Doom but not as screamy or heavy. Acid King is a good example of Sludge. i have never heard of crust. ambient is usually more spychadellic Liquid Sound Company is real fucking good. mostly no words and it's a long trip.
Orange Goblin is more rocky like Kyuss. and like i said Acid King is awesome too real chill and the chick on vocals is realy great. oh and SHEAVY is another good band if you can get past the vocalist trying so hard to sound like Ozzy. but yeah check out the aforemention STONERROCK.COM for suggestions on pretty much all kinds of stoner metal/ stoner rock
does artwork for alot of those bands i have a few of thier posters.
If you want a good stoner album you gotta look out for Mad season - Above.
I can get stoned just listening to some of the songs on that album o_O o_O o_O
Ron MOSH Earl said:
Kyuss is definetly my favorite stoner metal band. Loved the last Fireball Ministry album too.

Saw Fireball in concert, probably with Anthrax, and really enjoyed it. Cool shit....
MichiMikey said:
Saw Fireball in concert, probably with Anthrax, and really enjoyed it. Cool shit....

Was that at Harpos with Dio? I was at that show and thought Fireball kinda sucked:err: Dio and Thrax tore shit up though:headbang: :headbang: . Here is an old review of the show and NO I did not write it because you will never hear me say that Harpos is the ultimate place to see a show:yuk: :D :yuk: :D

Harpos has to be one of the ultimate places to see a metal show in Michigan, aside from the Machine Shop.
Fireball Ministry opened the show and these guys/gals sound better live than on their disc. The female guitarist and bassist's back up vocals compliment the lead singers incredibly well. I was also impressed to see the bassist's headbanging and energy throughout the show. This band is worth seeing.
Anthrax put on a usual devastating show. It took the sound guy a few songs to get his head out of his ass so we could hear the solos but after that the show was awesome. They opened up with Eflinikfusin and Caught in a Mosh. Others included Keep it in the Family, Only and Safe Home. They closed with Indians and announced a new greatest hits CD release in Nov. "The Greater of 2 Evils"
Dio came out with a lengthy set. Ronnie never missed a note and can still perform like he did back in the 80s. He opened with One More for the Road and played his big hits Rainbow in the Dark, Last in Line, Rock n Roll Children, Man on the SIlver Mountain and Holy Diver. Old tunes he covered were Sign of the Southern Cross and Gates of Babylon. What Dio show wouldn't be complete without a drum and guitar solo???? Craig Goldie played a kick ass guitar solo and never missed a note the whole night.
This show was well worth the 2 hour drive there and 2 hour drive back home.
MyHatred said:
Was that at Harpos with Dio? I was at that show and thought Fireball kinda sucked:err: Dio and Thrax tore shit up though:headbang: :headbang: . Here is an old review of the show and NO I did not write it because you will never hear me say that Harpos is the ultimate place to see a show:yuk: :D :yuk: :D


I am not sure which time through it was, But I remember liking them. Although I prolly wouldnt classify them as Metal at all. Hard Rock suits them better IMHO.
MichiMikey said:
I am not sure which time through it was, But I remember liking them. Although I prolly wouldnt classify them as Metal at all. Hard Rock suits them better IMHO.

Yeah, it had to have been. I remember now Fireball Ministry saying it was their first time in Detroit and that their only other time in Michigan was in Lansing(my stomping grounds) at Macs bar which is also my favorite watering hole:kickass: :kickass:
Hey i think i've seen you at Mac's, come to think of I'm pretty sure i kicked the shit out of you there.You were blathering on bout how "troo" you are, that your bullet belt was way cooler than mine. That was the last straw. i gave you a good old fashioned trash can beating for that remark. And after i was done kicking your ass, I puked all over you. :puke: :puke:
Johnny Vomit said:
Hey i think i've seen you at Mac's, come to think of I'm pretty sure i kicked the shit out of you there.You were blathering on bout how "troo" you are, that your bullet belt was way cooler than mine. That was the last straw. i gave you a good old fashioned trash can beating for that remark. And after i was done kicking your ass, I puked all over you. :puke: :puke:

Is that so?? I clearly remember you and I kicked the fucking shit out of you...I even put some boxing gloves on to lighten the blows to your face. Does this pic bring back many memories?
Probably not because I left you in a puddle of your own piss and puke fag boy....