What is the best MP3 player?


Oct 5, 2005
London, UK
I am planning on buying an MP3 player but i'm not sure what the best ones are. I'm thinking about either the Iriver or the Ipod, seeing as they seem to be the most popular ones.
<wAr_neRVe> said:
I am planning on buying an MP3 player but i'm not sure what the best ones are. I'm thinking about either the Iriver or the Ipod, seeing as they seem to be the most popular ones.
And since when did we ever buy things because they were popular? ;) I'm a big fan of the Zen line of Creative.
There's a lot to consider. I was an iPod evangelist until recently. I have a 40GB, and I bought my neice a 20GB for Xmass. Hers has had to be sent back twice in the last month for replacement, mine has had to be sent back three times in four months. It would appear iPod is trying to hard to keep up with demand and not spending enough time on quality control.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a better option out there. The new Sony player is probably a better peice of hardware, but from what I've read, the software that you need to use makes it damn near unusable.

It seems that the more research you do, the more confused you'll be. For every great review you read about product X, there is another review saying that product X is total shit.

I will say this about the iPod, the interface is superb and their service department is very fast when it comes to getting them replaced when you have an issue. Adidtionally, when it comes to accessories, not one else offers 1/100th of what's available for the iPod.

My two peices of advice, regardless of what you buy, would be:

1. By the service plan
2. Back it up

Good luck.

I have a 128MB Creative MuVoTX and i love it. Got it for $39.99 on sale. Even has an Am/FM radio. Holds about 2hrs of music at 128K per song. I can get 3 or 4 nevermore albums in it. Its EXTREMELY small. About the size of a USB Key. USB 2.0 or 1.1. Just lug it in, drag the songs into it like its a UBS key and go. You can shuffle play, sort them into folders and play by folder (my preferred method), or random play by folder. Its pretty veratile. Has a built in cutomisale EQ.

Right now i got POE, TGE, DNB, and Enemies in there. It is missing 1 song cause it was too long with it. The Instrumenta on TGE. Other than that its perfect.
Perhaps you could be more specific about what your needs in an MP3 player are...it's a big market with a lot of options. If you are looking at the iRiver and IPod I am led to believe you want a lot of storage capacity. Do you have any other criteria?

I personally use a Rio Karma, which is sadly no longer produced. It's not for everyone, but it is the only player made to date that meets my criteria for a DAP.
<wAr_neRVe> said:
I am planning on buying an MP3 player but i'm not sure what the best ones are. I'm thinking about either the Iriver or the Ipod, seeing as they seem to be the most popular ones.
my friend gave me his sandisk MP3 player and it really sweet only 70 buck....it doesent hold alot of songs but it compact, really user friendly, has a voice recorder and radio. im sure you can get one with more memory though.
Iriver, Hands down. Owned an Ipod 20 gig before, but I got the older black n white Iriver H20 black n white screen one, (my friend has the color screen h320 i do believe it is) has built in radio, voice recorder, am/fm radio, plays more file formats than the Ipod, (ogg, mp3, wma, wave) and you dont have to use the Ipods gay musicmatch jukebox software or Itunes to upload ur music to an Iriver, just copy and paste the files in windowz :) you can lay the folders out the way you want a lot easier that way IMHO Plus they are cheaper than the Ipod and the battery life and logevity seems to be superior to ipods Oh and did i mention Optical audio input and output? :)
Lord Foul said:
Perhaps you could be more specific about what your needs in an MP3 player are...it's a big market with a lot of options. If you are looking at the iRiver and IPod I am led to believe you want a lot of storage capacity. Do you have any other criteria?

I personally use a Rio Karma, which is sadly no longer produced. It's not for everyone, but it is the only player made to date that meets my criteria for a DAP.

Yeah, i am basically looking for and mp3 player that will store ALOT of music (over 20g for example). I really don't give a shit about whether i can store pictures or videos or crap like that. Then i'd take into account price, reliability, battery life etc, and see what the best is overall. Thanks to everyone who answered.
get a dell dj. i have one and it's fucking awesome. ipods always break; this is a fact. theyre so cheaply made. my dell dj is robust. ive dropped the fucking thing from a second story window onto pavement and when i ran down to get it there were only a few scratches. and the funny thing is, now the sound is better than it was originally...it's louder for some reason. so buy a dell dj, drop it out of a window and you'll be all set.
ive had my ipod for a while and it has never broken
iPod is by far the best choice. Have had mine (3rd generation with only 10 GB) for almost 2 years now, never had a problem with it. I'm gonna buy a new one soon though, need more space.
best mp3 player?

Iriver of course!

You can't even compare the sound quality and battery life and memory and what not to ipods.
ipods are teh suck.
when you get an iRiver you realize what a load of crap iPods are.

iRiver iRiver iRiver!!!!

(I had an iPod myself once too...)

go read reviews online about the two....
I have had my 20gb Creative Zen Touch for well over a year now and it has been fantastic. Sound and volume are fab and the battery just keeps on going and going. I only have to charge it once a week and i listen to it a hell of a lot. Not got one bad word to say about it.