What is the most common opinion of DT?

Most people can't grasp "real" metal for what it is because they can't stand the growling as "theres no talent in screaming"

However, while comparing the two is a little bizzare, I find both DT and Bodom easier to handle for people due to the melodies.
Tritonus said:
I think you can twist the question at the way you want it to be twisted and I do not believe it refers to a special group of people.

But to have an opinion about something, you need to know what it is you are talking about. And most people have absolutely no idea what the combination of words "Dark" and "Tranquillity" could mean. Among the people who are at least remotely familiar with the band, Rahvin's description fits quite well, I believe. It doesn't need to refer to any special group of people, except for the group of people who have an opinion about DT (specifically).

Otherwise the most common opinion of just about everything is: "I have no idea what you are talking about." Simply because people, in general, are ignorant of most things in the world.

Or, in other words, if you walk down the street and ask every passerby for their opinion about Dark Tranquillity (without giving them any further clues), 99% don't know what you talking about. And the majority of the remaining 1% probably answer along the lines of Rahvin. Those who might dislike DT's music for the growls can hardly associatethe words "Dark Tranquillity" with such "noise".

there's one more somewhat common opinion; shitty pop music that has nothing to do with death metal (and thence can't be good).

we do have a little bunch here that's pretty much equivalent to the tr00 black metal people, just change "all good music was recorded in the 90's on a tape-recorder deep in the norweigan forests" to "all good music is ultra brutal and has gore lyrics".

sure enough, when a dt (or other melodeath related) thread is posted in the dm forum in sweden's biggest "alternative people" community, about half of the replies will be complaints about it being off-topic, often with some random "all melodic sissies can go fuck themselves" addition.
Well, my girlfreind's opinion (troo metalhead so ye know, nut more power oreinted than me), was: Oh, another "tarro" band. (Tarro= CRn word for bands with harsh vocals).

Yet she listened to it, and said: I like the instruments a lot, yet the vocals I don't.

The I played the Projector to her.

She replied:

"Why didn't ye pass me this before?!?"

After she listened to the Projector, she heard the other albums, and well, lets just say that DT is the first "tarro" band she ever heard :rock: .

Good for her :) , she started with the best.

Other people's opinion is basically the same posted before, stuff like: "they're just screaming, how can you listen to that? And do you even understand what they're saying?"

I fucking hate that.

Some freinds of mine have heard it, but not that much, yet they said it was pretty good.

:notworthy DT :notworthy
The most common opinion about DT among the bunch of metalheads i used to hang out with is that DT plays "disco metal".

Nice to finally know that the average greek metalhead has something in common with the average swedish metalhead. :p
Villain said:
But to have an opinion about something, you need to know what it is you are talking about. And most people have absolutely no idea what the combination of words "Dark" and "Tranquillity" could mean.

Is there a definitive answer to the meaning? I assume (too much probably) that as with the lyrics, even the band's name is open to personal interpretation. I could be wrong though. Again, I look to those of you who know more... :D
wildfyr said:
Is there a definitive answer to the meaning? I assume (too much probably) that as with the lyrics, even the band's name is open to personal interpretation. I could be wrong though. Again, I look to those of you who know more... :D

I'd say yes, the name of band can be interpreted in many ways already. I was not implying there's an official "correct" meaning for Dark Tranquillity, but just wanted to point out that a question like "What's your opinion of Dark Tranquillity?" would most of the time lead to following results: "Huh? Say what?"

Thus, the only people who can have an opinion of Dark Tranquillity have to be familiar with the band already.

In the modern environment, a very common being, the Granny is a small-statured humanoid who can be easily recognised by the sound it makes when hearing extreme music : "This is Satan's making!"
RampageSword said:
In the modern environment, a very common being, the Granny is a small-statured humanoid who can be easily recognised by the sound it makes when hearing extreme music : "This is Satan's making!"

:lol: :lol:

Thanks for clarifying. I should have responded to this during my last visit but I became a little overwhelmed by neg emo at the time at thought it best to log out and come back later but I noticed that I've come at peak activity time, so I'm going to duck out again. ;) I've been quite busy the past week and now in front of me is another 4-day straight commitment to my employers for some daily news production. There's a light at end of the tunnel, though.