6 Stringed Fingers
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Well, in my experience, all those who have a slight comprehension of the art in music likes DT after one or a few listens. All the others are stuck listening to rap and cheap nu-metal.
Tritonus said:I think you can twist the question at the way you want it to be twisted and I do not believe it refers to a special group of people.
Villain said:But to have an opinion about something, you need to know what it is you are talking about. And most people have absolutely no idea what the combination of words "Dark" and "Tranquillity" could mean.
wildfyr said:Is there a definitive answer to the meaning? I assume (too much probably) that as with the lyrics, even the band's name is open to personal interpretation. I could be wrong though. Again, I look to those of you who know more...![]()
Siren said:"DT is great dancemusic."
RampageSword said:In the modern environment, a very common being, the Granny is a small-statured humanoid who can be easily recognised by the sound it makes when hearing extreme music : "This is Satan's making!"
Steve said:"They spelled tranquility wrong"