What is the most unlikely thing that happened to you?


problem solver
Dec 4, 2003
When I was 10 or something me and a friend played badminton in the street and after I hit the shuttle it just dropped on the ground after some meters of flying. When we got closer to the shuttle we saw a bee dying on the ground: I hit the bee with the shuttle in mid air! Now what are the odds on that?

Now tell me your rare events :)
well i've this wallet which always returns to me.
i've it 4-5 years now and lost it 4 times. at university, in the park and last summer at a 60 000 people festival. mostly the money was gone, one time the finder wanted to take me on a date to the fair :Smug:
siderea said:
it was of course unlikely that i would have been attracted to the finder of my wallet :Smug:
Did you have a picture of you in your wallet ? If you're attractive this may encourage wallet finders to get it back to you....:D
apparantly that was not the problem:)grin:), though perhaps i should make a little note with what i want though :hmm:

a friend of mine threw a bottle in the sea with a message in it and got a postcard back from a man who found it some countries further... unfortunately she's a lesbian :lol:
siderea said:
a friend of mine threw a bottle in the sea with a message in it and got a postcard back from a man who found it some countries further... unfortunately she's a lesbian :lol:
Pity, how come it's always men roaming the beaches huh? :lol:
siderea said:
apparantly that was not the problem:)grin:), though perhaps i should make a little note with what i want though :hmm:

a friend of mine threw a bottle in the sea with a message in it and got a postcard back from a man who found it some countries further... unfortunately she's a lesbian :lol:
eh?? can't lesbians read? :ill:
i left me phone on the bus going into town once and made various attempts at trying to get it back. contacting the bus companies and so on. in the end it was not possible to trace it and so i just went about my business in town. a few hours later i got on the bus home and there it was. it was the same bus and me phone was still there!
well.. no big thing but.. yesterday I was shopping and found a jacket for 10 franks instead of 150! on sale. Cool. They had only one piece, one in my size and it perfectly fit and looked great. And then I bought it and in the next shop I noticed that the cashier gave me more change, plus 10 by mistake. So I got a 150franks jacket for free. :D
Dora said:
well.. no big thing but.. yesterday I was shopping and found a jacket for 10 franks instead of 150! on sale. Cool. They had only one piece, one in my size and it perfectly fit and looked great. And then I bought it and in the next shop I noticed that the cashier gave me more change, plus 10 by mistake. So I got a 150franks jacket for free. :D
Cool ! Show it ! :cool:
today a schoolmate of mine told me not to play the lottery to leave chance to them, as yesterday I've been informed that I won 3 cds on the Music For Nations site and in November I von some VIP trip to Austria to a snowboard contest. that time she didn't know that on the way home I found some money on the street... not much but not like a cent :)
now I cannot think on past things like the ones you mentioned as since Saturday my mind is related to think of one thing, but I may write it down as I come to know it.
but that I can suggest that noone will have chance to date me that way (sry :) ) as I haven't got a wallet, only my pockets. if someone can steal my money from there without that I could notice, than they can have it...
Dora said:
well.. no big thing but.. yesterday I was shopping and found a jacket for 10 franks instead of 150! on sale. Cool. They had only one piece, one in my size and it perfectly fit and looked great. And then I bought it and in the next shop I noticed that the cashier gave me more change, plus 10 by mistake. So I got a 150franks jacket for free. :D
and u didnt return the mistaken cash!?!?!?!?! :ill: :yell:
For a long time, I had this discount card, it transferred a 2% discount on everything I bought to my mom's account. I thought it was daft going through all that trouble for a 2% discount, so every time I was drunk I put it in some cash withdrawal machine until they confiscated it, it was Visa card shaped, it always came back to me, with a short letter saying I'd accidentally deposited it in their withdrawal machine. The unlikely thing was that I one day managed to find a bank that didn't return it to me.
ah, i dont speak the language that well to explain it so they would have thought im crazy if i go there giving money.. ah, and it was a big shop they have lotsa cash .. :tickled:
and i dont feel comfortable about taking and posting a pic of me..