What is wrong with these DIs?

There is one idea: make loopback test - plug cable from out to input of 0404, play, for example, white noise and record result.
Than compare spectrum - if something strange persists, you probably will get high pass effect.
Ok, so I put a track from the latest Behemoth album in my DAW, recorded it from one of the outputs into the input I use for DI with a TS cable (same I use for tracking guitar), and the frequency content in Voxengo Span looks very, very similar. They are almost identical, except the recorded signal is low passed at 16.5KHz.

So it seems the problem is indeed related to the guitar itself.
Can you record your guitar again (something short) like bass?
Maybe some processing was done on DI posted in first message?
I.e. make fresh project (or like) and record guitar again.
Now guitar looks OK - no high pass at all, probably DI in first post was modified in software, how? - don`t know, check you software path.
"Old" DI vs New

Riffs are different so it is not adequate comparison.
Now guitar looks OK - no high pass at all, probably DI in first post was modified in software, how? - don`t know, check you software path.

What I noticed before recording that last DI, which is a bit embarassing, is that my tone control on the guitar was at about 80-90%. :blush: I've never intentionally moved it, so it hasn't been a habit of mine to check that it is 100%, but from now on I'll make it a habit to check it's always on 100% before recording. Could that have been the source of the problem?
Tone control don`t explains high pass effect - only reduction of high frequencies.
Try to record something in one project (file) with different tone control positions.

ps. And check your software recording environment. Such problems can be caused by mixdown of DI tracks rather than bouncing - i.e. some HP-filter involved or similar...
I haven't bought a DI box. I am still trying to determine if my guitar or my equipment is the problem.

I thought I had determined it was the guitar, but if you listen to the above recording of an ESP LTD w/ EMG 81 VS Ibanez with Blackouts (my guitar), I am not sure any more.
Thanks, deLuther!

So, the verdict is my interface is fine, and both the Ibanez and the ESP LTD are fine (average guitars), but something went wrong when I did the first DIs in the thread?

So you'd say the last DIs are both ok (average)?

I guess what I need is a higher end guitar then...

Thanks :)
I think that something went very wrong with first DI.
Like LP, HP filters in host and mixdown with these filters active (I trying to avoid mixdown when I need to get DI`s for later reamping, using bouncing instead).