This is definitely the reason the under 18 bracket is so low, I think. I have a ton of friends who would love to attend the fest, but living in California, traveling to Atlanta isn't cheap.
I've pretty much sacrificed having ANY fun outside of concerts for the festival, I think the only money I spend has to do with metal... and well when you're a broke new born baby who has just come out of the womb, that's really the only thing you can do if you want to attend.
Hell yeah! Old age and treachery will always overcome youth & enthusiasm!For the record, the old people at PP rock!
...tonite a lady in my art class thought i was 22....sooooooooooooooo...i'm liking that number ALOT and i think that is the age i am gonna be this year.....![]()
Wouldn't have been more accurate to take the mean age of PPers?Averages can be very misleading.
The Michael
At my age, it's not so much a < bracket > ..... as a { brace }.![]()
My age bracket is one sided! So therefore it's not really a bracket....
Forty F'n Seven
Next year we need to break it down further, for those 40-45 and then the rest of us.![]()
Plus we need to add a bracket for us REALLY OLD farts, you know the over 50 bracket.
yeah, I kinda take offense that its 40+ when there were 3 separate age brackets for 30-40 LOL.
41 here, that just means I've been to more concerts than you young whippersnappers.