what is your age bracket?

If you are a past/current PP attendee - what is your age?

  • Under 18

    Votes: 5 2.6%
  • 18-21

    Votes: 15 7.8%
  • 21-25

    Votes: 27 14.1%
  • 26-30

    Votes: 21 10.9%
  • 31-35

    Votes: 33 17.2%
  • 36-40

    Votes: 50 26.0%
  • 40+

    Votes: 41 21.4%

  • Total voters
Oh joy! My age group is still in the lead! :lol: I guess being 38 has some advantages afterall. ;)

And I think you nailed it Brian (edgeofthorns)... I was into Metallica in 1983 when Kill 'Em All came out (and they were totally underground). Even before that I was into Maiden, Ozzy, Priest, Accept. I lived through the whole growth of metal, honing my tastes until I found that I really preferred progressive metal (which for a long time I didn't even have a name to call it).
This is definitely the reason the under 18 bracket is so low, I think. I have a ton of friends who would love to attend the fest, but living in California, traveling to Atlanta isn't cheap.

I've pretty much sacrificed having ANY fun outside of concerts for the festival, I think the only money I spend has to do with metal... and well when you're a broke new born baby who has just come out of the womb, that's really the only thing you can do if you want to attend.

That is pretty true. Being 25 with a mortgage to pay, I still pretty much have to budget my money around this event. Up until a month ago, I was planning on seeing Nightwish twice but getting into a car accident made me decide to skip a Philly roadtrip since I'll see them in Boston. I'm already traveling every weekend for the next month and a half for concerts, a mini vacation, & hanging out with friends.
I really want to see Therion but they're all weekdays in this area except for the Philly date and I just don't think I can afford another road trip with Christmas in the not to distant future. My vacation time is taken up, too.
I remember back at progpower 2 when I was in the minority(I was 16 or 17) and there may have been a few others there, but looking at last year there are tons of younger people now getting into this music(I for one have gotten a lot of people into it, i think people are finally getting bored with all the poppy stuff). Now i am 23, and as I get older the more I get into the older music, funny how it works.
36 here.

This is pretty interesting. At this point 30 and over has 115 votes, while under 30 has 64 votes. The folks that mentioned money and being able to afford the fest have a good point. At least, I hope that is far more the reason than the music not appealing to younger fans. The music of the 80's is the "classic rock" of Generation X. I wouldn't want the entre genre to grow stagnant. Here's hoping that:

1) That younger bracket continues to grow as people can afford the music

and, more importantly

2) That upper level age group keeps growing so I won't feel too bad for hitting 40! :heh:

Steve in Philly
Plus we need to add a bracket for us REALLY OLD farts, you know the over 50 bracket.

The Yoda Bracket? :)

yeah, I kinda take offense that its 40+ when there were 3 separate age brackets for 30-40 LOL.

41 here, that just means I've been to more concerts than you young whippersnappers.

Heheheheheh, face it, you're in the fogey club, that saw LOTS of cool shows during a really good time in music:rock::kickass: