What kind of cellphone do you use?


Sep 8, 2003
Thinking about getting an iPhone/smartphone/etc., but do I seriously need to be able to watch a youtube video whenever I want? The maps and calendar look useful though. Anyone have one of these types of phones and find it pretty useful?
I haven't taken that plunge yet, and have an LG EnV from Verizon (it was free after my 2-year credit). It has limited Web-browsing capability so ultimately I'll be looking to upgrade to something with a 'true' browser.
Don't necessarily want to be watching YouTube vids on the go, though... :)
Mine's pretty old by today's standards. It's a Sony Ericsson p990i and I use it for everything. No, I don't need to watch youtube clips but I do enjoy being able to e-mail, ftp and do lots of other things, including watching the occasional movie. It's also very handy as a lyrics sheet. I don't hit the studio without it!
(Whatever you do make sure you get one that has all the bands you need wherever you plan to go.)
I have a Touch Diamond phone from Sprint. It's just their version of the iPhone really. I can do pretty much anything and everything with it. I'm thinking of updating to the Touch Pro in a few months as I like the keyboard for emailing and texting better. The touch screen for that can be a real pain.
AT&T Tilt, which is the AT&T version of the Sprint Touch

it has the full flip-out QWERTY keyboard, as well as a touch screen

text and picture mail (and sorry to my friends who got the evil clown photo, but i HAD to share!)

full browser capabilities

MS Word

some silly games

i don't watch youtube on it, so i can't offer up whether it's good for that or not :)

oh yeah - it functions awesomely as a phone, too!!!
iPhone. Works great. Lots of neat apps. Being able to look things up nearly anywhere I am is nice. I don't use the youtube feature at all really. I don't have an ipod, so having this is nice to have some music, and podcasts, on it when I'm out. I like being able to web browse and check email easily when out. I've played a few of the games, pretty neat for some momentary fun. But other apps are quite nice to have (some really feel more like a 'bookmark' than an app, but having that convenience is nice).
I have the BlackBerry Storm and find it extremely useful. As a matter of fact, I can’t see how I ever did without it! The touch screen definitely took some getting used to, but its full keyboard really makes emailing and messaging more efficient. The browser, camera and calendar apps are both very handy and valuable.

~ Jen
I have a BB Curve from Verizon. Interestingly, I had the exact same phone with AT&T, and constantly dropped calls or failed to connect calls. I'll never go back to AT&T (or I'd own an iPhone).

I'd like to make the switch to the Storm, but it seems that it was released before it was ready. BB is releasing a new OS update for it every week or so, and it seems that there are as many people (on the BB forums) switching from the Storm to the Curve, as there are keeping the Storm. Hopefully, when I'm ready for my annual upgrade in July, they'll have worked the kinks out, because I'd really like the extra screen real estate.

Brian has a Blackberry Pearl. He's going to replace it with the full keyboard Blackberry AT&T has in April. It's pretty nice to have the internet available when you need to find something out if you don't have a computer handy. We've used it to find movie times, answer questions on wikipedia, and he uses to check his e-mail and read some of his blogs if he's away for a weekend. The only thing that sucks is that Blackberry's on AT&T have a separate web plan that is more expensive. Luckily he gets a discount since he's considered a state employee.
I just have an mp3 phone instead of a web browsing one. It's the Sony Ericsson W580i. When writing txt messages I sometimes wish I had a full keyboard but I don't write that many so I'd never pay for a phone just for that.

On a side note, I hate the Blackberry Storm. The "intuitive" click seems to take a lot of getting used to. I had to setup my boss's and it'd never register the correct area that I was clicking.
I have a Sprint MotoQ (again), through work. I'm not important enough for a Blackberry yet. :) Personally, I hate it--it's hard to hear and my fingers are apparently too damned fat for the buttons--and the customer service so far has blown chunks. That said, I don't use any of the other functionality--as long as I have something that can call and receive calls, I'm good. Anything further than that, and I start acting like a Luddite. :b Urban has a good point, though--Sprint phones (and other American-made phones) in general don't work outside of the U.S., which can be a problem if you travel a lot.

Urban's phone has been very useful at times, and even I think that it's easy to use.

My wife and I just got the Samsung Beholds, we have t-mobile. We both love em. Has a 5.0 megapixel camera so the pic quality is not bad, and with the 1 gb card that comes with it I can have a decent amount of songs on there(even though I wish I had 60 gb or more so I could only care this and not have to carry my ipod as well. The touchscreen keyboard isn't bad once you get use to it and I don't do any web browsing anyways(which I heard isn't the best with this phone), but it wasn't a feature I was looking for. I wanted to have a music player where I can set songs as ringtones, good reception, easy texting, wanted a touch screen, and something simple to use, and that is exactly what this phone does for me.
My wife and I just got the Samsung Beholds, we have t-mobile. We both love em. Has a 5.0 megapixel camera so the pic quality is not bad, and with the 1 gb card that comes with it I can have a decent amount of songs on there(even though I wish I had 60 gb or more so I could only care this and not have to carry my ipod as well. The touchscreen keyboard isn't bad once you get use to it and I don't do any web browsing anyways(which I heard isn't the best with this phone), but it wasn't a feature I was looking for. I wanted to have a music player where I can set songs as ringtones, good reception, easy texting, wanted a touch screen, and something simple to use, and that is exactly what this phone does for me.

Pick up inexpensive microSD cards. Your phone supports up to 16GB according to the Samsung website. I think 16GBs are still high up in price but if you watch slickdeals.net, you should be able to get 8GB for under $15. It may not be 60GB but 8GB should be enough space to work with for regular day to day use.
I've had a Blackberry Pearl for the last two years. I love it. It would be nice to have a larger screen, but the primary reason I got this phone was it's very nearly as small as my old Moto Razr. I love getting e-mails pushed to the phone (the iPhone does this too now). I love having access to the web on my phone. The other apps I use all the time are memo pad, alarm clock, calendar, task scheduler, and a 3rd party app which holds all my sensitive info (passwords & credit card info primarily) in encrypted form. Being able to access the web is great when I'm staying in a hotel that doesn't have free web acces (for checking status of flights and weather). Oh yeah, being able to listen to music and read eBooks is great too.

Unfortunately, my Pearl got some water damage (steam from a hot shower) and is now having some problems. I'm looking at upgrading, but I'm undecided on what to get. I was thinking about the Curve as it's got more screen space, but for the additional size, it's not much more screen space. The Bold is nice as it's got a great display and 3G+Wifi, but it's even bigger than the Curve. I'm intrigued about the Storm, but AT&T doesn't have it yet (and may never have it). I looked at the iPhone and I don't like having on tactile feel on the keyboard. Besides, it's too damn trendy for me. Also, I hear the battery sucks on it. So for now, it looks like I'm going to send my Pearl in to get it repaired, and wait to see how the Storm looks once the OS is more stable.

One more comment. The guy at the AT&T store was trying to really hard to push me into an iPhone over the Blackberries. The thing I love about the Blackberries is that they are flexible. I can install any apps I want on it. On the iPhone, I can only install stuff that I can get from their Apps Store (unless I crack it). It's like the Blackberry is made for people who want to customize their experience. The iPhone is for people who don't care about that. I care about that.
I have a dumb phone (3 year old Razr), but have decided that once I finish training & am employed in my new profession, I will reward myself with a new phone. I'd like one of T-Mobile's Google phones, or maybe a Blackberry..we'll see what looks best when the time comes. I have plenty of time between now & then (6 months or so) to do my homework on which phones are best rated and such.
Samsung ...it flips open....rings...can be answered...and I can make calls....I can drop it and it still works. Actually one of the best phones I have had....BUT....

....I do know it has way too much other crap on it that i wish I could make disappear as it is a hindrance instead of a help.
Hell...all the damned phones have way too much crap.
Why not just a phone that's A FREAKIN' PHONE!!!!!

While technology and the ability to have a phone with you is wonderful...and certainly something that can be considered a life enhancement.....traveling around with your e-life at your side at all times is not an enhancement of life. Sitting with folks who are carrying on e-mail / text conversations while you are talking to them is certainly not what I would call proper social skills. I see it everywhere I go....conversations going on between people who are spending more time looking at their bloody blackberries and phones than having an actual conversation with the person in front of them. I once saw two people who apparently were texting each other in a Starbucks....AT THE SAME TABLE!!!!!

I play hockey and after the game we head over for some beers and half the guys are on line on their phones checking scores and e-mails....shit!!....give it a rest!!!!!....you'll be home soon enough!!!

The blackberries are like having the post man following you around all day and night handing you a freaking envelope every time a piece of mail shows up...hmmm (scary thought)...that is the last thing I would think that anywone would want or tolerate....yet everyone walks around with the bloody electronic postmen in their pockets.

...and those people who freakin drive and text while they have three kids in the car.... ARGH!!!!!! :yell::yell::yell:

10 years ago we did without...at best we had phone, and were thrilled.....and in my opinion...were much better off....which is why I refuse to get anything more than a phone.......which just the same these days, attempts to force feed us things we think we need. :loco:

Ahhhh...I feel better now. :)
I have the Storm. If AT&T was better, I would have an iphone. My daughter had an ipod touch and some of the apps are really cool. For now though, the Storm works great.