The 'what kind of browser do you use' thread

Firefox. IE has been a terrible browser for many years now and Microsoft seems content to keep it that way if IE7 is any indication.
Who doesn't use Fire Fox?? I only know one person who doesn't & that's because he's just untrusting of allowing any sort of small change in his life.

I find that Fire Fox is faster & has better little features but Internet Explorer is more compatible with certain web pages.
Wait, so is this a real thread or am I having a dream about the lamest thread possible? Normally I do not dream about the internet and I would be alarmed if that were the case.

Anyway, firefox.
Wait, so is this a real thread or am I having a dream about the lamest thread possible? Normally I do not dream about the internet and I would be alarmed if that were the case.

Actually, the lamest ever thread would be titled "What fruit are you?", and contain such zany replies as "I'm a mango, because I love warm weather and I'm juicy", and "I'm an apple, because I'm hard to the core but I'm really sweet on the inside".

But yeah this comes pretty close.
Actually, the lamest ever thread would be titled "What fruit are you?", and contain such zany replies as "I'm a mango, because I love warm weather and I'm juicy", and "I'm an apple, because I'm hard to the core but I'm really sweet on the inside".

But yeah this comes pretty close.

I'm a banana because I have appeal.