Mac vs PC thread

I also use Opera. I used to use Firefox a long time ago but then it kept crashing for some reason.

And for music I use Media Monkey. :)
I suppose the OS does matter to an extent, but it's really probably not a very noticeable difference.

edit: also, I can admit that Internet Explorer and WMP are AWFUL programs, and I bet Bill Gates uses Chrome and Winamp or something.

WMP is better for video files imo, you have to install plugins but it's so much friendlier then VLC.
I use Mac and PC. I have a Mac g5 Desktop with a shit load or recording stuff.
then theres an old(er) Toshiba Notebook I use otherwise, just for general web browsing etc.

I do prefer macs greatly though. I prefer the layout, the feel, and just about everything else.
PCs all the way. It has been this way since the age of 10, and I don't need any other alternative.I had to work on Macs in the uni, and didn't like them from the get-go. Performing even the most basic of operations felt counter-intuitive.
I don't understand how someone can be elitist about using a mac.

It's like, "I drive a car that has almost no features, can't go above 60 MPH, and the manufacturers sealed the chassis from end to end so that it's impossible to do any maintenance or mod work. Yeah, I'm a notch above the crowd."
I don't understand how someone can be elitist about using a mac.

It's like, "I drive a car that has almost no features, can't go above 60 MPH, and the manufacturers sealed the chassis from end to end so that it's impossible to do any maintenance or mod work. Yeah, I'm a notch above the crowd."

Even if they do, they have to catch up. I've got 6 buttons, and a 4 way scroll-wheel on mine.
Pretty much. Anyone who wants to play any sort of games or pretty much anything else is better off with a pc.

PC, but I'm obssessed with ipods.
tbh iPods are the only thing keeping Mac alive.