Mac vs PC thread

Damn right. PCs can do everything macs can do and better (except graphic design), don't failocaust when you put them on servers, and are just generally awesome.
I don't understand how someone can be elitist about using a mac.

It's like, "I drive a car that has almost no features, can't go above 60 MPH, and the manufacturers sealed the chassis from end to end so that it's impossible to do any maintenance or mod work. Yeah, I'm a notch above the crowd."

The big question is why you put customization and performance under windows and not linux? :)

And MacOSX is obv better than WinXP and Vista you faggots.

I love how everyone says you can do nothing with a mac. So what amazing things can you do with WindowsXP or Vista that MacOSX can't do? Sure you can't play as many games, that's about it, and not everyone are gaming kidz anyway.

And about the mouse thing, mac has usb-ports too you know. ;)

Btw, I've never owned a mac, and don't want to either.
Macs are pieces of shit. I used one everyday this semester and it is for people who enjoy spontaneous crashes and missed saves.
I don't own a Mac (yet), but used them throughout college for video editing. Like graphic design, macs allow for better work flow between programs such as final cut, photoshop and after effects. I've had many headaches trying to do the same work on a PC, that went fairly smooth using purely macs. So, without a doubt I will be switching to a mac for my work. I'll still probably keep a PC laptop for less intensive work though.
I hate that there's no "minimize" on MacOS's though, I'm really used to that. I don't like memorizing what the Function buttons do to make my windows fly around and tile so I can see shit I'm doing in 5 different design programs at once. That is a major gripe. Regardless, I agree that the workflow is often better-seeming for design work on Macs. I still won't buy one.
Are you sure? I'm almost certain you can minimize a program with one of the three colored buttons at the top (the yellow one if I'm not mistaken). I remember exporting files from aftereffects and minimizing it to continue work in a different program, where it would shrink to a tiny square at the bottom bar part. Then all I would need to do is click on the small square again to bring it back up full screen when needed.

Sorry I couldn't use more technical terms, it's been a few months since I've last worked on a Mac.
yeah of course you can minimize. Same as on a PC. Also, you can run everything on macs that you can on pcs, Cause they have Intel now. So you can even put WIndows as your OS and just run normally.
Yeah, I know you can "minimize" that way, it's just that I always have all these panels and panes in my way if I'm in PS, Illustrator and like InDesign at the same time and all the boxes get confusing. Whatever.