Mac vs PC

Mac or PC?

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But with it running Windows there are still flaws that make it less. The actual machinery is about the same (Intel processors and the like), but the OS is a major component to consider. There are ways to change the GUI btw.

I'd like you to opine about these flaws for a while so I (and others, likely) can (most likely) balk at their insignificance and/or wrongness. Viruses? Yeah, I guess. But I've had an obsolete Dell laptop with no protection at all for 2 years now and I haven't gotten a single threatening virus. Spyware, yeah, but that really isn't a big deal, just run a scan when you go to sleep once or twice a week.

edit: oh and the Mighty Mouse fucking sucks. Can't stand it. The whole top is solid and the BOTTOM is the part that clicks. Innovative, but worthless; give me a mouse with TWO TOP BUTTONS AND A NORMAL SCROLL WHEEL. Not this pretentious crap.
Windows has a tendency to become unresponsive or 'stubborn' during times of alot of computing/operating. Windows has less features. And, I (only half seriously) have to add that Macs look pretty, outside and the OS.

It's a trackball mouse, it doesn't move. Been using them for a decade now on my own computer. Totally comfortable, your hand just rests on it.

I didn't "manhandle" the mouse. I used it for click-intensive design and drawing work in both Illustrator and Photoshop last semester (last fall, for both Comp Art and Digital Imaging classes), and if you miss the INVISIBLE CLICKING POINT on either side accidentally, your shit just gets totally screwed; this is such an unnecessary feature...why couldn't they just make a normal mouse with clearly delineated buttons? It fucking sucks, end of story.

btw this is my mouse. My touchpad sucks and I hate using them anyway, so I bought this one:

bad pic obviously, but it was only like 21 and works very well + it's small for my petit hands.

I didn't "manhandle" the mouse. I used it for click-intensive design and drawing work in both Illustrator and Photoshop last semester (last fall, for both Comp Art and Digital Imaging classes), and if you miss the INVISIBLE CLICKING POINT on either side accidentally, your shit just gets totally screwed; this is such an unnecessary feature...why couldn't they just make a normal mouse with clearly delineated buttons? It fucking sucks, end of story.

btw this is my mouse. My touchpad sucks and I hate using them anyway, so I bought this one:

bad pic obviously, but it was only like 21 and works very well + it's small for my petit hands.

because Mac wants to keep everything looking like a cookie cutter or something. The design of their products sucks and they sacrifice user-friendliness for style.

Fuck Apple products.
I fail to see what features Windows lacks, also. It has more potential for software designers to create stuff exclusively for it (using DirectX, which is exclusive to Windows since Microsoft developed it, as far as I know), obviously better gaming capability due to its high compatibility with software, and the people who make peripherals for Windows aren't retarded and actually know how to design utilitarian things and not just pretty things that don't work.
I think that MACs are just eaiser and much simpler for people like me who are not very much involved in computers. I can't build a whole new system, I'd much rather buy a MAC which has always been more reliable.
From what I've heard, the viruses that get macs usually do a lot more damage then one designed for Windows.
A Mac vs. PC debate is like a religious debate, you're never going to convince anyone of anything.