Mac vs PC

Mac or PC?

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MACs are like the modern VW Bugs of the computer world. Hideous contraptions meant for people who make their purchasing decisions based on available color spectrums............or you might want the Garage Band software :rolleyes:

I'm a MAC!!!

Because these guys could be on the next MAC ad campaign.
That's a little ridiculous.

Mac's are well known to be better suited for graphics and so forth, Windows machines are better for gaming (although I have never in my life seen 'amazing' graphics from a computer game.)

Linux owns all due to the lack of security threats and the fact that most people get confused with Linux, even though it's not drastically different.

However, I also have a Windows machine that happens to have Shitsa on it, ahwell.

Also, don't diss a VW Bug - those motherfuckers are fast, and easy to work on, and reliable.. and float.

I've never owned a VW, but my grandfather worked on them pretty much exclusively, so I have all kinds of misc parts and VW engines in my shop. I plan to build me up a Kubbelwagen one day.
Zeph FTW :lol:

@Meh: I was talking about the modern Bug.

@dt: I was also referring to the retardedly gay colors that make them appealing to people with IQs relative to the teletubbies.
@Dakryn - then I agree completely. That thing is an absurdity.

That's why Linux does not own. Linux is obviously far more powerful, but for regular or even above average users it is unnecessary.

I don't care to appeal to the average user.

The average user can handle ubuntu or something with a little patience.
Start tinkering with XPs settings, and it can get real unhappy real quick.

I tweaked my XP machine to look like a Mac, so.. It's GUI, owns.

In fact, that's one of it's selling points, it being 'stylish.'

I just liked that there were no obnoxious icons and other bullshit.
Vista is fine. XP gives me no problems. Every time I've used a mac I've been confronted with a design feature or GUI feature that struck me as retarded, obnoxious, or generally worse than XP. I like to play games, so obviously Windows is better for me. Everyone seems to accept that Mac is better for music and graphic design but has anyone here seen evidence of this? Everyone accepts this as fact but no one has any reason except that everyone else thinks it. It may be true but I see no hard evidence. I've recorded music and done some graphics stuff on both PCs and macs and seen no real difference as to stability etc. Also, somebody mentioned the superior processing power of macs. That made me chuckle.