Mac vs PC

Mac or PC?

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Are all Mac user always trying to preach to everyone about how awesome everything Mac related is? I think the owners of Mac products are enough to convince me not to approach anything this company makes. I don't want to be that pretentious annoying guy who has to convince every PC user in the world that he made the wrong choice by not going with Mac.
I have always used PC/windows... never had a real issue with them... dont really have anything to complain about... and since it isnt broken, I wont change it.

It's a bit like american cheese... bland... but you can always count on it to be consistent.
It does everything I want like I want. Vista sucks, and I've messed around with friend's macs and the UI is retarded. It's like someone with ADHD designed it.

Holy crapfuck, I agree with DAKRYN!!!

edit: a graphic designer hoping (praying really) to do it professionally in a few years, I don't at all mind designing on a Windows machine. I've done it for many projects and I've been fine. I think the comparison is unfounded. If you give your PC or Windows-running laptop enough RAM and it has a good processor, you can have everything you need for design open and running with no problems at all. I fail to see what else could make something "better" for design, since design is all about the person doing it's capabilities, not really the software (and since the software available runs on both Mac and Windows....idfk what people are even talking about). IMO it is just the trendy choice to use Macs for design. I have to use them at school. I hate the GUI. END OF STORY.
The thing about Macs is that every user I've found using one, is abit of an arrogant cunt.
And they aren't even better.
People just seem to spout the advertisement, like the TV is some kind of Mac prophet.

Linux is fine, and if you've grown up on it like I have windows, the CLI becomes automatic. Srsly, I've seen real compscis (who actually know wtf they're doing :p) using unix and it's like lightning. But if you aren't sure about the command line, like me, it's not any more powerful or useful.

I've been using Windows all my life. The only time I've had hassle is because I've been running programs way beyond the capability of the computer. With my new 2GB laptop running vista I've never had a problem with it.
I think the reason people think macs are better for graphical design is all the adds showing trendy hipster young artist types graphical designing on them.

Also, American cheese is revolting.
Holy crapfuck, I agree with DAKRYN!!!

That the commercials have no bearing on whether or not a Mac is better for graphic design. And I do graphic design, I just don't put the time into it that I'm sure you do. You don't like the GUI, correct? That's a personal preference that I can understand. However, does that have any bearing on the computer's capability?
No, but my point is that, for about as much or cheaper, you can just build your own Windows running computer that performs the same or better...?
But with it running Windows there are still flaws that make it less. The actual machinery is about the same (Intel processors and the like), but the OS is a major component to consider. There are ways to change the GUI btw.