What kind of cellphone do you use?

I have a dumb phone (3 year old Razr), but have decided that once I finish training & am employed in my new profession, I will reward myself with a new phone. I'd like one of T-Mobile's Google phones, or maybe a Blackberry..we'll see what looks best when the time comes. I have plenty of time between now & then (6 months or so) to do my homework on which phones are best rated and such.

I too, have a Razr. It's 2 years old. It's a piece of shit, and was the day I got it. The battery never holds a charge for long, it inexplicably drops calls, or picks up on other people's phone conversations...My old LG had none of these problems. And yes, I've had Verizon all along. It is definitely the phone. Damn POS
I have an iPhone and I love it. I don't really have any issues with dropped calls and my only regret would be not getting the 16GB version, as 8GB isn't really as much space as I'd like when I rip everything to 320kbps. :lol:
iPhone. It's not perfect by any stretch, but it's the first cellphone I've had that I enjoy using. Funny too, since I work on chips for other brands of cellphones, and I get to play with a lot of stuff before it ever comes out. Only phone that _I_ would get if it wasn't the iPhone, might be the G1. Android still has a lot of maturing to do before it's going to create as nice a user experience though. Forget Windows Mobile based anything. Yuck^100

Besides, being able to pull up this anytime you want makes it worthwhile

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I too, have a Razr. It's 2 years old. It's a piece of shit, and was the day I got it. The battery never holds a charge for long, it inexplicably drops calls, or picks up on other people's phone conversations...My old LG had none of these problems. And yes, I've had Verizon all along. It is definitely the phone. Damn POS

Wow, I've never had all that trouble with my Razr..the only time it drops calls is when I hit gaps in T-Mobile's spotty coverage areas here & there (and I know it's the gaps because it happens in the same spot every time I'm there), otherwise it works like a charm..

I'm still ready for a new phone, though.
My phone does drop in the same places each and every time. And I WOULD think it was gaps in Verizon's coverage, except that my LG worked just fine no matter where I went, including all those points between my parents' house and my apartment (Springfield, IL to Carbondale, IL.) The Razr...not so much.
I'd like to make the switch to the Storm, but it seems that it was released before it was ready. BB is releasing a new OS update for it every week or so

That's not really true. It was definitely released too early but to say a new OS comes out every week is inaccurate. Obviously RIM is going to keep working hard on improving the OS, and every few weeks or so it puts out a new version that it gives to vendors like Verizon. Verizon hasn't approved anything in about 4 months, so all of the other ones you see on the forums are leaked copies, not meant for the general public.

That said, I generally install the leaked copies on my phone, and they are definitely making good progress with this phone :) It still has a way to go, but it is a lot better than it was when the Storm first came out. Some people like to forget the pains people had with the iPhone when that first came out too. The Storm app store should be coming out soon too which will help get things moving.
My phone does drop in the same places each and every time. And I WOULD think it was gaps in Verizon's coverage, except that my LG worked just fine no matter where I went, including all those points between my parents' house and my apartment (Springfield, IL to Carbondale, IL.) The Razr...not so much.
It's a combination of hardware and reception at work here.
Your new phone probably has a less sensitive (cheaper? :)) reciever and/or not as powerful transmission. This means that where Verizon's coverage is poor you will have dropouts whereas a unit with more sensitive and/or powerful circuits you won't.
It could of course also be how your phone is designed and that when you're holding it you're covering the (built in) antenna thus attenuating the signals.

Then again, to give you an extremely accurate description of all the possible scenarios I would refer you to my brother that specializes in Satellite communications but it hardly seems necessary, right? ;)
The blackberries are like having the post man following you around all day and night handing you a freaking envelope every time a piece of mail shows up...hmmm (scary thought)...that is the last thing I would think that anywone would want or tolerate....yet everyone walks around with the bloody electronic postmen in their pockets.

That's absolutely true, but keep in mind that even though that post man hands you an envelope doesn't mean you have to open it, read it and reply at that moment. People choose to be rude, and they choose to let their Blackberries (or any other phone) demand their attention as soon as they get anything incoming.

Have you ever seen people in a store talking on the phone while they are at the checkout? How freaking rude. Would it be that hard to say, "Hey. I'm at the store and about to check out, let me call you back in 2 minutes"?
That's absolutely true, but keep in mind that even though that post man hands you an envelope doesn't mean you have to open it, read it and reply at that moment. People choose to be rude, and they choose to let their Blackberries (or any other phone) demand their attention as soon as they get anything incoming.

My daughter got into the habit of pulling out her phone & texting away while we were in the middle of a conversation..after a couple of warnings, a gentle but firm headslap on the forehead, & threats to throw the damn thing out the window, she got it through her head that her behavior was totally rude & I wasn't going to tolerate it..hehe.

PS - my daughter's almost 25, so for those of you thinking 'OMG Jax is beating her children about the head and shoulders!', think again. ;)

Have you ever seen people in a store talking on the phone while they are at the checkout? How freaking rude. Would it be that hard to say, "Hey. I'm at the store and about to check out, let me call you back in 2 minutes"?

Oh, I can top that..I ran into 7-11 one day to grab some milk for my morning coffee..the guy at the counter was babbling on the phone in some foreign language at the top of his lungs. A little annoying, as I usually prefer to shop without people yelling, but whatever, it was a quick stop for milk. So I got to the counter..and he kept talking. Rang up the milk..I stood there silently & waited for him to hang up & actually pay attention to me..he blurted out the total due & held out his hand insistently..and you guessed it, kept blabbering on the phone at high volume.

Are you friggin kidding me?

I handed him the cash & gave him a scathing look..he gave me my change & I sorta stomped out..and yep, he never did stop babbling on the damn phone. In hindsight, I should've just told him he was a rude f*ck & walked away, but I was half asleep & just wanted my damn coffee.

It pisses me off how rude people are with phones, but it's just sad how rude people are in general these days..ever try walking around Costco on crutches? I don't recommend it.
It's a combination of hardware and reception at work here.
Your new phone probably has a less sensitive (cheaper? :)) reciever and/or not as powerful transmission. This means that where Verizon's coverage is poor you will have dropouts whereas a unit with more sensitive and/or powerful circuits you won't.
It could of course also be how your phone is designed and that when you're holding it you're covering the (built in) antenna thus attenuating the signals.

Then again, to give you an extremely accurate description of all the possible scenarios I would refer you to my brother that specializes in Satellite communications but it hardly seems necessary, right? ;)


The info given is illuminating, though. When I complained about my phone last year to my Verizon rep, he stated that Razrs, being one of the first flat phones, were bound to have problems. I wish he'd told me that when I bought it. I'd have gone with another LG (which would have given him a bigger commission, too!) But I guess I got what I paid for. After the rebate, my phone was free.

I'm due to get a new phone this summer/late spring. I will not be going for any more flat phones, or whatever is the new fad. I want something reliable.
I have an older phone - it's a Pantech Duo and I still like it. It slides in two directions so I get the full keyboard for texts and emails, and the number pad for calling (and games, lol). It gets better reception than my previous phones, and also worked while I was in France. Yay! It takes fairly crappy pics, but holds some mp3s and lets me program my own ringtones. I'll probably trade up when my contract is up, but I'm pretty happy for now. No problems with AT&T here either.
I have an older phone - it's a Pantech Duo and I still like it. It slides in two directions so I get the full keyboard for texts and emails, and the number pad for calling (and games, lol). It gets better reception than my previous phones, and also worked while I was in France. Yay! It takes fairly crappy pics, but holds some mp3s and lets me program my own ringtones. I'll probably trade up when my contract is up, but I'm pretty happy for now. No problems with AT&T here either.

I was looking at that and the only concern Yip brought up was it's pretty fat. Does the size bother you at all?
I own a Virgin Mobile prepaid, and while I can't checke-mail/browse the web, I do get to annoy my co-workers with Deep Purple and Kind Diamond every time someone sends me a text.=D
I have the LG Chocolate phone.
I don't use it for music or anything.
I just thought it seemed cool, and I like the wheel feature.

I don't text at all, nor care to browse the internet on a 2" X 2" screen. Just me.

Put me in the "I just need it to have 10 numbers and ring" catagory.
I was looking at that and the only concern Yip brought up was it's pretty fat. Does the size bother you at all?

I've had the Duo for almost a year now. I upgraded to it when my Razr went on the fritz after two years. I bought it primarily because it was a PDA phone that could do all the fun stuff, but was still nice and small compared to the thinner, but much wider phones (a la BlackBerry, etc). I thought the thickness of the phone would bother me, but I got used to it pretty quickly.

My main complaint with the phone, and the reason why I'm considering replacing it, is that, at its small size it just doesn't seem to have the memory or processing power to do very much for very long. I often find myself rebooting the phone because the browser just won't load any pages, or because my e-mail accounts keep giving network connectivity errors (one will give an error while another one works fine, etc). I also constantly get errors when opening attachments or pictures attached to text messages. I don't spend all my time using the phone for e-mail, or surfing the web, but I don't want to have to reboot it every time I choose to do so.

I would say, give it a try if you think you want it, and return it within AT&T's 30 day period if you don't like it.

Tracie has a BlackJack II, and it's pretty damn nice. It's on my short list of phones I'm looking at getting next. Plus, you can get 'em pretty darn cheap now.
