What makes Great Music


Cuntaminated Cock Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Lacertine Forest
What (in your opinion) makes a great song, i know this changes throughout different genre's so right one of each or something. any tips for writing these elements into music?
I guess good guitar work something thats well thought out and has a good rhythm. I like drums that just keep the beat, though I am a big fan of Vince Paul. The vocalist has to sing better than me, anyone can do that, but the vocals have to go with the music. I've heard some band called In flames and their music was kickin' ass untill the singer came in, the music sounded like ald school metal but the vocalist sounded like shit wrong kind of vocals if you know what I mean. I don't mind those kind of vocals but they deffinetaly didn't go with the music. But you know what you like so just play what you feel sounds wesome to you and you'll love playing it. Play something that appeals to you, play it hard and play from the heart, it's the best way to go brother.
great compisition, big sound, alot of moving riffs with some technicallity.
my example of perfect music: EMPEROR- ANTHEMS TO THE WELKIN AT DUSK
Good metal from all sub-genres must have depth, fluidness, consistancy, balance between all the instruments, vocals, and other effects, emotion in every note, even if it's some discordinant Grindcore song or something. There are some bands out there that mix their albums with something coming to harshly, vocals too far-off, keyboards and synth effects too cheesy, or the band itself just likes to make cheesy music... that is not the greatest music.
Aida_Melodica said:
Good metal from all sub-genres must have depth, fluidness, consistancy, balance between all the instruments, vocals, and other effects, emotion in every note, even if it's some discordinant Grindcore song or something. There are some bands out there that mix their albums with something coming to harshly, vocals too far-off, keyboards and synth effects too cheesy, or the band itself just likes to make cheesy music... that is not the greatest music.

I completely agree with this. :D
  • Well Composed
  • Good riffs
  • Good melodies
  • Good lyrics
  • Good vocals
  • Good sound
  • Variation in rhythms
  • Devotion
I'm missing some stuff, but those are very important.
FOr me it has got to be dynamics that make a song. I really get bored if the song sounds exactly the same throughout. I dislike a lot of repetition, I love symphonic compositions. It seems like when the really cool part you love comes only once, it makes it much more sweeter, and you don't get sick of it, which is why I hate repetition, because it makes really good sections of songs less special, and less memorable in my opinion. Like, a really good example is the ending of Thus Spake the Nightspirit, it's really epic because of where it is placed, and if it was repeated throughout the song more, it would'nt be as cool. Besides these, Im up for almost anything, as long as it is dynamic, like I mentioned.
Songs that have instant appeal have great hooks no matter the genre. A great country hook is going to sound considerably different than a great disco hook obviously and a thrash hook will sound different than a prog hook etc. Not all songs you write have to have hooks, as the point of songs with the hooks in them are simply to draw the listener into your style. A "hook" is practically impossible to describe though. It could come from music or vocals. if you think about songs that ripped your head off the first time you heard them, chances are it was distinctive parts of the songs that did that. Go back to those songs...... not different ones by the same artists but THE songs that grabbed you instantly, play them and figure out what it is that grabbed you and you have an example of a hook.

As far as what makes a great metal song, I think it is a blend of power, emotion and technicality. That is true of every genre, but different genres stress different elements. Most death or thrash bands feature more aggression while some like Opeth also stress technicality and CoB stress emotics as well as technicality using a lot of complexed keys and big backing vox.
Prog bands like Dream Theater normally stress technicality. Vanden Plas and Fates warning stress a lot of the emotics as well.
Bands like Bon Jovi are light on aggression and mediocre on technicality and rely more on emotics. White Lion also was also lean on aggression but relied on a very technical guitarist.
I am using extremes here going from death to prog to hair metal but all forms of metal use those three basic elements.... power, melody and technicality to different levels to create their sound.
Once you figure out where you/your band is going to sit with those three elements, then you are on the way. Just keep writing. Then a style suits you, you will know it then you will be able to write stuff similar until you come up with a winner that has that "hook" in it and you are on your way.

madcheese9377 said:
That was damn good! I had to read it twice cause I wanted to experience it again.

Dude I am not some guru on music. I am a regular guy. Nothing I say means anything...... but I do have experience. Music is ALWAYS what one makes of it. Do what is comfortable to you........
