What makes you a Dark Tranquillity fan?

The moment, when Ive heard Skydancer for the first time. It was like if I had an empty spot in my mind for the perfect band and suddenly DT fit the spot perfectly. But after DD and Character my interest has begun to fade, so, probably by the hand of providence :) , I registered at the UM board and realised that DT is really a special band, because Ive never been a member of a forum with so many cool people around (well, maybe Necrophagist (no, I dont want to start another discussion of my culinary preferences :lol: ), but there it is mostly guitar freaks talk). That has revived my interest in DT a lot. :)
In my ignorance, that you all know is practically limitless, I thought simply liking the band was enough. Well that and maybe owning a cd or two ;)
Well,I simply can't go through one day without hearing at least one of Dt's song...when I've first heard them,it was just like "That's it,I'm gonna like this band forever"...and from what I've heard they are the frendliest band on earth...all in all,they are great musicians and artists who deserve my respect
Q: what makes me a Dark Tranquillity fan?

A: easy - it's a music band so the right answer is: Dark Tranquillity's music
Their music of course. Also, anyone who's had the opportunity to meet them or at least see them perform live will have to try real hard not to become a fan :D

Once you pop, you can't stop!
Teh Music.

There are only 2 (two) bands out there I really care about, and dt is one of them.
the fact that it's one of the only bands in existance that have stayed together for so long and never strayed from doing what they want in music, and not selling out or ever taking in any outside influence to produce.

they seem to have a very cool and humble attitude towards their music and fans, no dick rockstar attitude. that will keep their music honest.

also, they put so much effort into writing, they really compose their music and never regurgitate previous work.

they are absolutely great live.

they strive to be different and write deep and complicated music.

i love their style of music and before i had heard of them there was definitely a void that i needed to fill. and it inspires me to play and write, to strive to become a better musician.

it only took me overhearing 10 seconds of lost to apathy to really pay attention and delve deeper. reason being is it sounded so unique, it was that sound that i wanted to hear. aggressive but melodic.
I agree with everyone the reason im a DT fan is resume in all post here!
Before i heard Skydancer 7 years ago i was only listening to punk music and some Metallica, now im listening to some metal band but DT is exceptional!
The true fact (it's on the list I guess -if not, it should be added-)is that DT makes really good music.

You willl never be dissapointed when hearing a new DT album.

Also, I love that they treat their fans so well.

They also give great concerts even if not many people went to them.

They're very patient people.

DT hasn't sell out unlike many Swedish companions (*cof*In Flames*cof*).

It's the only band that has harsh/gutural vocals that my girlfriend likes, and that's saying a lot since she HATES/D that kind of music. But then, I played some DT to her; and as with me, she instantly fell in love with the band. Only she didn't fall in love with Mikael, as it did happen to me :oops: .