RosesofShadow said:
But if it is girls, it's ok, and ok to fuck each other too, but not boys.
Why not guys. Bi guys are hot... even if I'd prefer straight ones. Hmm... and I thought everyone watched porn.
That's strange, why do you hate kids? having kids is an achievement of being a father. It takes you to another level in life...fatherhood. Oh well, since you hate them, you better not mate instead of killing them or dumping them in a garbage can.
Good point there at the end.

Reminds me that they did find a baby in a garbage can in a nearby city. Luckily the little critter was still alive.
For me, I'll probably just have sex first rather than mate (Mate?... what do you think I am, a budgie?) to have children.
I don't like kids as they're annoying (esp. when the parents don't raise them well). They cost a lot of money to raise and may become messed up in the end. Also, it's so... unglamourous, having two/three snotty nosed brats with you in one of em push chairs, trailing at your side... especially when you can't afford to feed them well, make them look decent. Depressing.
I may change my mind later on if I find someone good enough to have kids with. For now, I'd sometimes feel I'd rather slice up my uterus with knives than have kids.
I feel like having sex to satisfy my hormones and cause I have a lot of energy. Also whenever I see a hot guy I feel...

Waiting until marriage though, as I don't give anything away for free. ;p