What makes YOU atractive to the opposite sex?

Apparently your eyes, yes..
(The most grey thing about me.. :p Well, blue grey really.)

(This doesn't excist! This is all just in my head!
Prove it
UM doesn't really excist.
Youre all just linked to the computer, youre being manipulated. This info about Um is all transported into your head, but it doesn't really excist. I mean, Proof it.

I still think it's a certain combination that makes one attractive.
And how do you guys 'consider' the difference between sexy/attractive?
I don't really know, sexy for me has always been sort of empty anyway... uh, I sort of think that if you're good-looking but haven't got a personality then you're sexy, but if you're good-looking with a good personality then you're attractive... that's how I've always thought it. So I'm not interested in any sexy girls, only attractive ones. :p
Protocol said:
whoa, this place is still alive.
hi jo! hi folks!

Edit: Protocol has exceded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.
If your definition is correct then attractive would be better then sexy. Although I don't know what the difference is between a sexy woman and an attractive one. For me they are thesame because without being attractive you can't be sexy. Although attractive without sexy is a possibillity.
veil the sky said:
so wrong, i know plenty of attractive women who aren't sexy and plenty of (relatively) unattractive women who are sexy.

I agree completely.

I used to work in a country house hotel (phwoar!) and one of the headwaitresses there was soo sexy I just wanted to grab her and hump her leg or something. She wasn't physically attractive; a fairly plain face and thinner than my tastes dictate, but she had such a great personality that it was impossible not to find her sexy. And it wasn't because she was sluttish or anything, twas because she was always happy, always smiling, and always giving everyone around her good vibes and energy. She was just a totally great person to be around. One of those people that can make you feel good about yourself just by being in her prescence. That's what made her sexy, not her looks or body.
With me, I'm told it's my awesomely hunky body, great charisma, and general good looks. The thing that makes me less attractive, though, is my humble nature.

Oh, and my leet photoshop skeelz also make me super-hot.
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I'd have to go with the classic answer, "eyes". Personally is important...but all of this has been said by now. This sounds absolutely insane, but I love metal hair.
SculptedCold said:
I agree completely.

I used to work in a country house hotel (phwoar!) and one of the headwaitresses there was soo sexy I just wanted to grab her and hump her leg or something. She wasn't physically attractive; a fairly plain face and thinner than my tastes dictate, but she had such a great personality that it was impossible not to find her sexy. And it wasn't because she was sluttish or anything, twas because she was always happy, always smiling, and always giving everyone around her good vibes and energy. She was just a totally great person to be around. One of those people that can make you feel good about yourself just by being in her prescence. That's what made her sexy, not her looks or body.

That's the point! It happens to me all the time...There may be a handsome guy that is attractive but not sexy, and there may be one that is ...really bad... (outch!) but REALLY hot!!!
I get compliments for my hair, but that's about it.

As for what makes me unattractive, everything under my hair, I suppose. But I think it is mostly my sharp tongue. The majority of people I know, even my friends, have a hard time dealing with me due to my overly sarcastic and cynical outlook on everything.
Sonnenritter said:
I get compliments for my hair, but that's about it.

As for what makes me unattractive, everything under my hair, I suppose. But I think it is mostly my sharp tongue. The majority of people I know, even my friends, have a hard time dealing with me due to my overly sarcastic and cynical outlook on everything.

Hello! :tickled: Where we seperated at birth? :Smug:
I don't really go for the eyes..
I seem to have a weakiness for long hair! :eek:
Which is kind of... well, not exactly discriminating, but ....typical. I mean, listening to metal, wearing black, loving men with long hair, sooo cliche. Bah. :p
It's too stereotypical.
But I can't help myself. :lol:
So.. Anyone with long hair around here, around the 20, ....not too far from Uden Metropolis?
No. I am not desperate.