What makes YOU atractive to the opposite sex?

I've been told, my eyes, and my sense of humor. working out also makes me better physically, and when you know you look better, you have more confidence.

nØthing said:
Pros: I have ADHD..which I guess is good and bad.
me too.....luckily most of the HD part has passed, but I used to be hyper as hell. as far as the AD part, it has made it difficult to work in traditional jobs, but I fit in just fine in the computer world. it also makes me more creative...my mind makes leaps of logic that more traditional people can't follow, they look at me like, "WTF???" but I don't care, they are the unimaginative ones.
well i just asked my boyfriend and he said that its cuz im fun and playful and friendly and sweet ...but apparenly its mainly down to my hair, my lips my eyes and.. ( typical man ) boobies :P

and we both agreee that my worst trait is defo my temper .. but i guess that comes from havin red hair :p .. lol well he likes the hair.. he'll have to put up with the temper :p
Dunno, go find someone who finds me attractive and ask them... :err:

Oh, and if you find one get their phone number for me.
We are all weirdos around here ..for at least one reason, and that is that we spend some much time posting on this forum.
...which doesn't even excist, except for in our minds. (Or just in mine?? :eek: )

Humans are zoön politikon, means: social beings/väsen. So normal people go out (and fcking normal and fcking goodlooking people even more) and meet friends or other people. But we're stuck behind the computer.. Now ask yourself why


(I need a better :-| smiley..:/
Hmm, some ppl say that I got pretty eyes.. so.. I guess thats my plus side... along with my personality :p
Minus: oh.. well there is lots and I dont have enough time