What makes YOU atractive to the opposite sex?

i found out from some lady friends that apparently in small doses arrogance is attractive. I have PLENTY of it to go round so it looks like im in there!

they may have been lying though.

not being a fucking moron is also one of my strong points.

you'd see why if you lived in my town.
Hehehe :lol: mostly people online (edit: not persons in real life, but online, I mean, not: "Most people have told me..") have told me I look good
The slimey gits :p
Really, I don't care, for one
And second, I don't believe anyone anyway (anymore)

So no, I dont know what would be attractive about me.. My Dark Tranquillity t-shirts?? :lol:
Gee, this is a toughie. When people can't find anything nice to say about me physically, they point out I have a nice smile. I also have a decent sense of humour and genuinely like to make people happy.

What's unattractive: my insecurity and "uniqueness." Most people can't be bothered getting past my weirdness to get to know me.
~Zeanra~ said:
Nothing I guess since I haven't had luck whatsoever so far.
Know what you mean, I think..

:erk: But.. There aren't any ....(well sometimes you see one, walking in the distance) leuk guys around here. (leuk is dutch for.. "nice, cool, something.. fun? I don't know. Just remember that "leuk" is good. :s) However, at metal gigs the place is jammed with nice guys. :cool: I am convinced they live in black holes in the ground and they only come out for gigs..! :eek:

No, seriously.
Maybe I should get out more.. Or go live in a city.
Damn. This post didn't turn out like I wanted it to.
Bah. Don't feel like editing it all again.
Anyway, I meant something of what/like I said.
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The Grand Wazoo said:
But.. There aren't any ....(well sometimes you see one, walking in the distance) leuk guys around here. (leuk is dutch for.. "nice, cool, something.. fun? I don't know. Just remember that "leuk" is good. :s)

I know a really nice Dutch guy. He's one of my best friends. Very sweet and cool. Very "leuk" I suppose? :)
My eyes, dimples, body (I'm a gym rat) and looks in general. Girls tell me I'm cute, adorable, gorgeous, etc.. As for what makes me unattractive, my personality sucks, as I am anal retentive, intense, have a bad temper, have no sense of humor, and am always overly serious. Girls are attracted to me initially, but after talking to me for a little bit, they lose interest.:(
Life Sucks said:
My eyes, dimples, body (I'm a gym rat) and looks in general. Girls tell me I'm cute, adorable, gorgeous, etc.. As for what makes me unattractive, my personality sucks, as I am anal retentive, intense, have a bad temper, have no sense of humor, and am always overly serious. Girls are attracted to me initially, but after talking to me for a little bit, they lose interest.:(

I hate when that happens...
Pros: I have ADHD..which I guess is good and bad. I have a lot of energy, but sometimes just a little too much of it. I think people like my personality the best; I'm a pretty crazy guy, I don't really care what other people think about me, and I have a very unique sense of humor. And apparently I have a good figure (from football, wrestling and track no doubt), and I'm not hideous.

Cons: I'm way too hard on myself, and I tend to metally beat myself up a lot. Sometimes I tend to make jokes at inappropriate times. Bleh.
@ Zeanra: You've had luck :)

I've been told I have beautiful/mysterious eyes, but the more I read and hear, the more I think it's just a basic phrase that women use when they can't find anything specific :\

My unattractive points to women in general I guess would include thinking/challenging ideas too much...and being a vegetarian makes it hard to have a buff, curvaceous body for women to gaze at....but tough...take it or leave it is a motto I have come to take on ;)
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I don't know what any of you girls look like to make an observation. Except for Zeanra, and I think she's beautiful.

I guess I'm not a bad looking guy, I've seen a lot worse walking around. I guess I don't put off a "Hey, come talk to me" vibe. Oh well.
Demonic Rapture said:
I guess I don't put off a "Hey, come talk to me" vibe. Oh well.

Neither do I apparently