What makes YOU atractive to the opposite sex?

I don't know what happened but last Friday night at a local metal bar one Finnish rock star came to talk to me like he knew me. He flirted a lot and so on and I was like what's going on. Of course I was flattered but it was weird indeed. My friends asked me if I knew him personally - everybody of course knows who he is! Actually he played once on the same gig with my ex boyfriend but that's about it, maybe I've talked with him breafly sometimes. Strange...

Here's who I'm referring to, Demonos Sova, the lead man of Barathrum:

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What makes me attractive to the opposite sex...hmmmm..


Haha, well, i've been told i'm really funny and fun to be around, but that's more of a sort of crazy/weird funny (like spastic funny) rather than a cool wit or casual humour sort of funny (which is the best funny to have of course).

Then again, it's mostly my male friends that say that......and the other half of the time i'm just really quiet and intense, which I suppose some people would like too, but not many.
I wouldn't start pointing it out.

I'm just happy I already have such a wonderful girlfriend... :)
Why does everyone always say they're weird?
:confused: Doesn't make sense.. (If everyone is weird, weird is normal. Therefore, everyone is normal.)(dough.)
And besides, a lot of people aren't as weird as they claim to be. :rolleyes:

And who is really attractive? I've only seen "okay" persons lately.. I mean, who would you say is really attractive? And ..why? What makes that certain persons so attractive? I guess it's the combination and that stuff :/
Well, you know what I mean.
..I hope.
I think
I think that the poeple here account for the 10% of the population that 90% of the population considers weird ... of which this 100% is the 10% that the other 90% of the population considers weird ...

DId that make any sense?

Which is why we are not normal.
Suicide said:
I think that the poeple here account for the 10% of the population that 90% of the population considers weird ... of which this 100% is the 10% that the other 90% of the population considers weird ...

DId that make any sense?
you're saying that who claims to be weird here is "weird amongst the weirds", aren't you?
which is the conclusion to your reasoning?
a) they're normal, afterall?
b) they deserve a strait-jacket?

i think most of the people who go around saying "i'm weird" do it to place themselves out of the crowd. not that that's a bad aspiration, if you have the right means to achieve it.