What on earth happened to the Internet?

Especially some fool who has kids. Why are you, as a father, wasting your time on a dumb ass metal forum talking about how uncool the internet is now? :err:

Shouldn't you be spending time with your kids and doing your taxes ?

Heh, filing taxes? I don't pay any tax or work. I just shred on the guitar all day and claim government money, you've got to have some down time doing stupid shit in life or you'll go crazy and I have all of the time in the world: This is the stupid shit I do to relax. You're the one that came up to me with your bullshit about accepting that the internet has always been retarded. Sure I can accept the reality of the internet being full of losers, but I already did: doesn't change the fact that it used to be cool, and you agreed on pretty much anything, but you were still being fucking annoying. Sevenstring.org is full of rich faggots buying too many guitars and people buying overpriced gear and playing shit djent riffs, I've never heard someone on there that can play and yet they are full of themselves even though they're filling in a void of an identity by buying a lot of gear: I posted something music theory related and some cringy faggot turns round and starts nitpicking about my statement that zero-based intervals are more correct even though I posted galaxybrain music theory, nobody had the competence to discuss what I posted, they chose instead to try and nitpick at me about meaningless details like little degenerates, and as they were mathematically wrong and just espousing dogma I defending myself which concluded with someone calling me a sociopath, trying to scorn and degrade me and all sorts of other vile shit and then calls his mod mates and gets me banned for simply having some wit and not taking his shit, honestly he was fucking outwitted beyond his peabrain comprehension and I let him know it, so he goes and fucking rees out like the little fat gayboy that he was. That's not me getting banned for being an arsehole, that's me getting banned for exactly the reasons I explained, I'm an arsehole here because you continued the bullshit and became the effigy of my rage, there's plenty of sources confirming the cancerous mods on sevenstring, even here there used to be a lot of threads talking about what a shithole that place is, then I come here in modern-times and post about it and you hit me with that bollocks, and you wonder why I end up being rude? This sort of back and forth is boring, do you want to talk about guitar or something or what? It doesn't prove anything to come up and shit talk, I have every reason to find the internet extremely gay, there's much more metal related bullshit to talk about than what you watched on Disney+ (fucking cringy) and you're saying I'm wasting my time. I wish the elitist arseholes stood their ground when all of the gays started redefining "metal" as something limped and gay, now I see people talking about periphery on here. Hahahaha fucking gay as shit. Want to know why I'm so bitter and offensive, because metal was always about being offensive and now it's clean-cut and has become a safespace for little soyboy carebears who cry to mods when their effiminate bitching is met with fucking godly wit, Metal was always working class English music that spread across the world and now any fucking gayboy thinks they're metal and understands it. Hahahahahahaha fuck off, set fire to a guitar whilst shredding a solo and then shit on the stage and then I'll believe you, it was always about expressing something that cannot be expressed elsewhere, channeling the virility of rage into the music, because it was made by the working class in England, the factories were shut down and they had no jobs or future: so they rebelled into the music. Now you see me come here on a metal forum and post a criticism of culture and turn round and say that I'm a faggot and the problem, are you just into metal for the aesthetic like most of the American whores that think they get it? At least you're not winging to mods and standing your ground, that's a step up from those gay djent wankers.