Well I must have been sleeping cause I missed this whole thread and didn't know you was talking about me.
Let me clear the air before this gets too out of hand (and too funny, my face might break laughing so hard....)
First, I am not Peter.

Besides the most obvious that he's male and I'm a woman......Peter is far more stylish, better looking and a helluva better guitar player than me.
Secondly, I am not Ms. Akerfeldt. Not hardly. Some of us don't have that kind of good fortune you know

.... Tho it's not the first time someone has thought that which is pretty funny/cool/sad, I dunno. I AM quite fond of Mikael

I think he's super talented obviously, and a supersexy hottie to be honest, but it was after I got to know him I knew he was such a great guy on the inside too!! If he was a single guy I probably wouldof made a move!

But as we know, he's already found his perfect woman. Such is life.

I've actualy met his fiance a couple times and she's real nice, very lucky, and obviously exactly what he was looking for in a woman. Good 4 them!!
So... to answer the question(s). We're just friends. That's why he knew my name in that chat session which was mentioned above. We've been corresponding for years and I met Mikael before the other guys. The first time I had ever met Peter and the 2 Martins was at the first gig I saw in Poland. Since then, a couple twist of fate have played out where I got to spend a bit of extra time with the guys in the beginning and we got to become friends. I'm still in touch with Mikael and we talk a lot about music. And yes I have been to a lot of their gigs! I did count the exact number once but I can't recall at the moment.. I think it was just over 40 gigs. hehehe.
The reson I posted too Lee after the 'stash post is because I had just pieced together who he was!! I was real excited to see him here. I didn't know that nick, but I used to correspond with Lee prior to ever meeting or being in touch whatsoever with Mikael. He was my ONLY Opeth contact for a while!! I mean before the website, or even the original (and first) opeth website..Opeth's Domain had been created. I remember getting a mail from Lee THE DAY that Opeth had gone to the studio to record My Arms! This was NEWS!!!!!!!!!! I mean back then no website(s) and no metal news, blabbermouth, no Opeth news ANYWHERE else! Just my first hero, Lee-Candle.
Well I guess that's more than enough info for now, right! Or is there something else??? heheheh.