What other forums do you browse? (or used to browse)

this is the only one i troll on, i used to browse truemetalseattleforums, used to browse seattle metal online, i visit a few geek forums, i'm a computer geek so its only natural... thats about it really
on UM: here, nevermore, kalmah, biomechanical, philosopher

I also browse a wizards forum (its just internet geeks talking crap) and thats aboot it.
Harmony Central
I used post on Burzum and Mayhem forums long time ago, but mayhem forum closed, and it was suppose to reopen, but it didn't for a long time, so I stopped checking. Burzum forum is dead, a lot of political talk.
Open Jam, Star Wars, Gaia Online (used to), My own forum, metalism, metallica, UM, upskirt.co.uk, birmingham city FC forums.

So if you see "Turbo" or "Andy Turbo" (because someone took the Turbo name) then its almost certainly me :)
SOB, Racer X, Land Of Bunghole, Kerrazy Torrents and sometimes the ESP forum.

I tried to get on the Jackson/Charvel board, but the registration thingy didn´t work
AA, DT, COB, tech forum and Vintersorg on UM. I visit various other forums, but mostly music and technology related.
Chat (even though it's kinda... dead), and occasionally in General Music, Pop Culture, and Vehemence (local). And a few posts here starting a couple days ago.