What pisses me off

I was just trying to avoid another racism debate as it's not a topic I think anyone appreciates.. and that was not sniping thankyou.

And... to avoid this turning into an argument, I am changing the subject back to that of this thread. What pisses me off is that I think I have a fever or something.. fun
There's not enough bum-touching up in here for my liking.

Meanwhile comparing everything to the Lord forum might be fun for some , its actually more annoying for others....

Your timing is impeccible as always young Ravendark :lol:

Pisses me off how early I get tired lately. It feels unnatural to be sleepy before midnight at all let alone so often.
Ah Crap Todd, that does indeed suck!
I always get pretty nervous poking around inside my PC for that same reason.

My Uncle recently fried one just by switching it on. He wasn't doing anything inside it, He just picked up some static walking across the room. When he switched it he felt a spark jump from his finger into the power switch..... Bye Bye Motherboard!
The timing was quite ironic really... I was speaking to Jess the night before about my "upgrade path" she told me that if I really wanted thought I could make a crack at my plans, to do it. I put it off saying it's not essential yet and can wait for a few months

And then bam, forced upgrade!

Luckily for me, Fluidtek at Carlingford was having an insane sale on this weekend, picked up 4gb of RAM for $150 and a good motherboard for $160

Now all that's left is to upgrade the CPU towards the end of the year (once the Quad Cores come way down in price). In the meantime, I've got my pc running at 1ghz over the spec'd rate for my CPU. God bless good ram and strong cooling haha

*end geek mode*
Leading by example? :lol: Wasn't that a thinly-veiled snipe in itself?

Subtle irony, my friend. Should I instead post it in 22-point font every single time someone does that?

It wasn't a subtle snipe, it was a general criticism of a number of people.

There's not enough bum-touching up in here for my liking.

:lol: Always to lighten the mood. Hear, hear!:kickass:
When you work in IT for a living, it's pretty much the dumbest thing you can do. It's up there with a mechanic forget to reattach the brake cable to a car :lol:

I have to disagree with you there. Blown motherboard is a drop in the ocean in the big picture of IT disasters. Two immediate examples come to mind. Back when I was at Mailroom Express I was handling the processing of client data for the Estee Lauder contract before mail-outs. Long story short, the people on the production floor not adhering to data reconciliation procedures combined with another guy in my section deciding to rename a bunch of my files on the shared drive without letting me know about it resulted in mailing out approximately 350,000 MBF invoices to Estee Lauder customers. MBF customers didn't receive their invoices on time which added a major spanner into their billing system for the month, though that wasn't nearly as bad as the fact that peoples' health insurance information was being sent out to complete strangers at pretty much random. Add in the cost of printing, packing and mailing 350,000 invoices for nothing... :erk:

Second example was while working at Fujitsu on the WOWPOS rollout. There was a team of about 12 of us tearing out the old checkout/register systems and installing new ones at Woolworths in Tuggeranong (sp?). There was a new guy who was all charged up and out to prove how good he was, thus was flying through the registers trying to get as many done as fast as possible. He got a bit carried away, forgot to disconnect the power from one register before cutting through the power cables... and you don't need much of an imagination to finish that story for yourself :lol: Luckily the power at the store didn't stay off for much longer than about 30 seconds but Boy Wonder was not surprisingly out of action for a lot longer.

I could quite easily go on but those two are probably the more amusing examples.
It pisses me off that it seems everywhere I go, there is some sort of tension, hate or big arguments. Home, school, even on the fucking internet! (Just been reading the last few pages...)

Feels that somehow anything I do lately is wrong, and I get absolutely shot-down and slaughtered for it. I hate the feeling of having to be incredibly cautious around people just so I can be able to relax, and get on with the work I need to do..Sick of it.