What plugs do you use to dirty up your tracks?


Jun 3, 2006
I currently use Devil-Loc which is a distorting compressor and even amplitube 2 and 3 if something sounds too nice and bland.

What do you guys use to destroy angelic basslines etc?
Vintage Warmer

Combining any good tape/tube saturation plugin with any good sounding compression plugin (2nd one optional) will yield good results
Antress Deathcore. Dist comp, very subtle. Toss in Ferric TDS before and crush it. You don't so much hear the effect, as you do feel it in the mix.
Wish i could use my decapitator.

Soundtoys is really pissing me off. I bought the Native effects bundle a few months back, and the decapitator would take like 5 min to load each instance in protools on a pc. So if i used 5-10 of them my session, it would take like 25min-50min to open and it takes 5 min every time when you try and insert the plugin on a track. So it's just not usable to me at all. I contacted them and they know it is a bug and said they would have a fix/update in a few days. Well several emails later and months down the road and still nothing. I own it but i cant fucking use it. WIN!!!!

Next they released the Devil Loc and said if you bought your bundle in between this date and that date (forgot the dates), you get the devil loc upgrade free. Well i just so happen to have bought my bundle in those dates, and they are fighting me on giving me the free upgrade. They basically just shut me down and i still don't have it. Just mind blowing they would not take care of a customer better.

I can understand the bug thing can take some time, and things happen, but just not giving me my free upgrade is some bullshit on another level. I just emailed them again today and well see what happens.

Sorry i needed to rant about this.
Mokafix The Bat (Ratt sim) for general distortion
Mokafix Bass Rider (BDDI sim) for bass or to grind stuff
So guys, how do you usually go about dirtying up the whole mix - strap an instance of say Decapitator on the master buss before everything else? Or, do you also use some other ways?