What plugs do you use to dirty up your tracks?

Just mind blowing they would not take care of a customer better.

I can understand the bug thing can take some time, and things happen, but just not giving me my free upgrade is some bullshit on another level. I just emailed them again today and well see what happens.

Sorry i needed to rant about this.

Not to turn this into a fuck Sound Toys thread but I'm just going to share my hilarious CS story about them...

Years ago when I was working for a group of producers, they had me buy the Sound Toys FX bundle. Originally they had wanted RTAS, but after I had placed the order they decided it would make more sense to get the TDM.

So literally 15 minutes after placing the order I send them an email which if you read between the lines says "hi, we just spent XXX of money in your online store, but we decided we wanted to give you more money so how can we cancel our order and get the drastically more expensive bundle"

No reply and a RTAS license is deposited in our ilok account.

Email again.....and again....and again....no response.

Finally (we're talking within a few hours), I call them.

Girl answers- "Soundtoys"

Me- "hi I've sent you guys a few emails.."

Girl cuts me off- "yeah we get tons of emails everyday you gotta be patient"

me (annoyed)- "ok well maybe you can help me." explain the situation.

Girl - "yeah nothing we can do but you can buy the TDM upgrade"

Me- "that's more then buying it in the first place. Look we havn't used the license yet. Isn't there some way you can work this out for us so we can give you more money?"

Girl - "sorry nope"

So all and all we didn't get the tdm bundle and they lost out on roughly 600 dollars. Fucking dummies.
Typical channel for something that requires more dirt than usual for me these days looks like.
Waves MPX
cleaning EQ
Color EQ

Devil-Loc and the Sansamp Plugin get a lot of use as well.