What r u Listening to?

Thank you for alphabetizing.

Your welcome :p :D....I catalog all my cds alphabetically in Excel; otherwise, my collection would be a chaotic mess. I also record the last date that I listened to the cd. Thus to get a list of the cds I played in the last week it is a simple Excel filter, and a copy and paste.
I pulled a "Ricci" and bought almost all the Shamall cds.
There are some good moments but overall a yawn fest (in my opinion).

But someone loved them ; I was able to get rid of all of them on e-bay!
(I think the buyer was Bob! :heh:)

Yes I did get them all..:goggly:.Your right the Earlier ones sound simular ..Im Having A problem finding one of the later ones (Ambigious Points Of View )(2006) Everyone has it on Backorder..:erk:
RAK - Lepidoptera (totally fabulous)
RAK - The Book of Flight
Pangaea - Welcome to the Theatre
Colossus Project - Dante's Purgatorio
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
Phideaux - Number Seven
Phideaux - Snowtorch
Anathema----Weather Systems
Rush---Clockwork Angels
Marillion----Afraid Of Sunlight
Cynic--Kindly Bent To Free Us
So, Are we all going to buy the Remasters 2cds of all the Led Zepplins Releases?? #1 today ....Next week #2 & #3 and so on..
My listens for the week in their alphabetic goodness:

Alamaailman Vasarat - Käärmelautakunta
Alcest - Écailles de lune
Amplifier - s/t
Arena - Immortal?
Horacee Arnold - Tales of the Exonerated Flea
Blues Creation - Demon & Elven Children
Miles Davis - The Complete In A Silent Way Sessions
Deep Purple - Now What?!
Demians - Building on an Empire
Dire Straits - Love Over Gold
Discipline - To Shatter All Accord
Electric Orange - Morbus
Gravy Train - (A Ballad of) A Peaceful Man
Jonas Hellborg - Art Metal: Jazz Raj
Miserium - Return To Grace
My Sleeping Karma - s/t
October Equus Quartet - Isla Purgatorio
Pinkroom - Unloved Toy (didn't have high hopes for this based on comments made here, but I liked it)
Quantum Fantay - Terragaia
Chris Squire - Fish Out Of Water
Weather Report - Live in Tokyo
John Wesley - Disconnect (great stuff)
Wo Fat - The Black Code
Wrupk Urei - Kõik saab korda
Stevie Ray Vaughan----Fire Meets The Fury: "The Radio Broadcasts-1989
Coldplay-----Ghost Storys ( Cant get enuff of this cd....