What r u Listening to?

That first album was great. Second album....ummmm....something went wrong.

Right. The 2nd one has its moments and mostly on their heavy songs. The album itself sounds like leftovers from I Am Anonymous and like some of their newest duo material. The album does have a couple of great songs: I love the emotion from Damian on All That You Fear is Gone and Your Life Will Change.
Anathema---A Fine Day to Exit
Anathema----A natural Disaster

2 of my fav.. from the Band....I feel these 2 releases are overlooked..IMO:D
Glass Hammer----Shadowlands
Glass Hammer---Chronometree
Savatage----Edge Of Thorns
Devils Slingshot-----(Virgil Donati,,Billy Sheehan,,,Tony MaCalpine..)
Particle----Launch Pad
Last edited:
Rick Miller: First 2 out of print...next 6 i will spin Latter. For now:::

Dark Dreams
Immortal Remains
Heart Of Darkness
Breaking Points
Belief in the Machine

""My go to CDs""

Beyond Dreams
From Land To Ocean
Engines Of Creation
In The Wake Of The Moon

""I will get to their other 5 tomorrow""
Arlon-----On The Edge
Arlon-----Mimetic Desires

Another Great Polish Band,,,,,(Mix: Riverside with Collage)