Deep Purple - Fireball
Fu Manchu - The Action Is Go
Glowsun - Eternal Season
Hawkwind - Warrior On The Edge Of Time
Jimi Hendrix - Axis Bold as Love
Billy Lee Janey Band - Soul Driver
Psycho Praxis - Echoes from the Deep
Screaming Trees - Sweet Oblivion
Supertramp - Crime Of The Century
Yes - Relayer
Deep Purple - Fireball
Fu Manchu - The Action Is Go
Glowsun - Eternal Season
Hawkwind - Warrior On The Edge Of Time
Jimi Hendrix - Axis Bold as Love
Billy Lee Janey Band - Soul Driver
Psycho Praxis - Echoes from the Deep
Screaming Trees - Sweet Oblivion
Supertramp - Crime Of The Century
Yes - Relayer
Did you like Half Past Four? I could never warm up to that album at all.
Relayer/Crime of The Century,, My Favs....Glowsun???????
Are you asking me who is Glowsun? It is stoner rock from France...good stuff