I would like to see some NWOBHM on Divebomb. Some old Ebony bands like
Blade Runner hunted
Blade Runner Warriors of rock
Cobra warriors of the dead
Cobra Back from the dead
Only cheap Greek bootlegs exist we need official divebomb releases.
Cutthroat has been released by Retrospect rec. as Atomik Cocktail on cd and Hades Paradise on vinyl (as Cutthroat).
If bands aren't interested cd's should be released regardless even as a bootlegs. I mean, they are in public domain so band's shouldn't have total claim on them. Look these people of Thynn Ice They don't want cd out. I don't understand it. In cases like this one cd should be bootlegged
Cutthroat has been released by Retrospect rec. as Atomik Cocktail on cd and Hades Paradise on vinyl (as Cutthroat).
If bands aren't interested cd's should be released regardless even as a bootlegs. I mean, they are in public domain so band's shouldn't have total claim on them. Look these people of Thynn Ice They don't want cd out. I don't understand it. In cases like this one cd should be bootlegged
Like the previous poster said, it would be good if the Cobra albums on Ebony records were reissued. Another ebony release which I would love to see reissued is the Blackmayne self titled album. Really hard to get hold of. But unfortunately like has been said it may be hard to get hold of masters for ebony releasesI know the bass player for Blackmayne Julian Sackett is active on youtube and is on facebook if that would help any.
I mean, they are in public domain so band's shouldn't have total claim on them.
Yes, but internet helped to all these old these bands, even some admit that. Otherwise who would care for these bands from the 80's. And even you (plural), who release or re-release demos ,had not been for the internet you wouldn't hear half of it. Sitting on copyrights for whatever reason is not right. Bands exist for fans and it's not other way around.
And even you (plural), who release or re-release demos ,had not been for the internet you wouldn't hear half of it. .
I don't get what this has to do with anything.
I wanted to point out that times have changed and that now it's fairly easier to listen/release music of unknown/less known bands than in it was in the 80's thanks to internet.
Mystic Force - All (I'm sure Menser could if he was interested though, right??)
Not sure if these have been mentioned...
Lord Bane - Age Of Elegance (Would be stunning with proper sound!!)
Mystic Force - All (I'm sure Menser could if he was interested though, right??)
Parish - Envision
"the problem with the music industry is to many independent record labels", ironically the person who made that dumbass comment would never have been on an album if it weren't for indie labels. HAHA
Damn that internet for making things easy.
Anyway I think what pepel is saying is that bands are easier to discover for the labels, not that they are easier to release, or that they would sell easily on the internet.