What records do you think need a proper reissue? SOUND OFF!

Again, the Inside Out mastered from original cd. So if you haven't heard it yet a nice a/b comparison will show what Jamie did and it is definitely for the best. Really brought out the strengths of original recording while boosting the low end so it feels like a metal album once again.

Remember mastering doesn't change the actual mixes of older album. To change Inside Out drastically we would have had to remix it. But we didn't nor couldn't.

And yes ALL of New Renaissance albums should have been remastered at some point when going to cd. The Anvil Bitch disc is the same. I had Jamie remaster that one for me because I was tired of crappy version.

I listened to Kill For Pleasure and it's really a fantastic awesome Thrash-Masterpiece. It beats even Kreator's Pleasure to Kill!
But anyway it should get remastered because the sound is really sounding like a "rats in the cellar" production or something.

I recently found another awesome Thrash Metal gem from the early ninetees which should be re-released:

I've heard of this band before but it's another great example how underrated bands back then were and this is really excellent stuff, remember very much on Nuclear Assault sometimes.
I haven't found it anywhere it's totally out of print. If anyone knows some addresses to purchase this please contact me.
A Re-Release would be just fuckin fanatastic!
Any chance for:

liege lord freedom's rise

I know old metal did it at one point but c'mon, the Divebomb edition would be far superior. Plus it's nowhere to be found now.
I don't know if somebody mentioned Pyracanda's "Two Sides Of A Coin" but this album definitely should be re-issued
This morning I was looking for "Green" and "Distorsion" by Forbidden, but I've found that the only existing re-issues are (useless, for me) on vinyl... what about a re-release of those criminally underrated albums? :saint:
Green underrated? It belongs in the cut out bins:zombie:
Distortion is a great album though

Really? Never seen a promo copy, neither online or in the malls... :confused:
Just some used copies around, but that's not a cd I would pay 30€ for...
I liked this one by NC's own


It needs a reissue

Btw what record shop do you own in Greensboro?

I used to live in High Point and often frequented BB's Compact Discs which was located in Greensboro
Yes. I started at BBs in 1993 and stopped worker there sometime in 2009. I currently do not own a store, no.

Hmm for some reason I thought you owned a record shop...I dont know why I did

Did BB's close in 2009? I thought they had closed in 2008, but I could be wrong as I moved from the area in 2007